? The Next Update

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No other NPC has been shown on the upcoming updates besides the ones from holidays. However, I still doubt we’ll get Brewster on this update.

I agree, and I still stand by my prediction of the announcement coming on the 26th, and the release of the update being on the 28th. (Again, no evidence in my mind for that... just a gut feeling that I have had for about a month or so.)
I guess it would kinda make sense for the update announcement and release to be at the very end of January... I mean we just had toy day and new years at the end of December...
I would love a valentines update in February :love: I have said before on here but I just want all the cute furniture that Pocket camp has during the valentines update.

I feel that we won’t really get a Valentine’s update (we’ll probably get a special nook item; like box of chocolates or something). I think they’ll skip February all together and then we’ll get a big March update (Mario anniversary items + 1 year anniversary introducing Brewster).
I feel that we won’t really get a Valentine’s update (we’ll probably get a special nook item; like box of chocolates or something). I think they’ll skip February all together and then we’ll get a big March update (Mario anniversary items + 1 year anniversary introducing Brewster).

IIRC, we got valentines cards available in the game already. Maybe at the very least we'll get chocolates or roses from the seasonal section in the Nook Stop
I think I posted my prediction on another thread, but I think the next update preview will drop at the end of the month, we will then get the update a few days later, but the Pave event will be early Feb (like in New Leaf) and unfortunately I also predict it will be time locked (similar to the Thanksgiving and Christmas events). After the past few disappointing updates I am not getting my hopes up this time. I just really hope the Festival event is fun and has good furniture.
They teased the winter update and gave it a release window of late November. We got a trailer on Nov. 17th, then it was released on Nov. 19th.

They teased Pave for late January, so I'm expecting a trailer and the launch between the 18th-22nd.

Quoting myself on this one. I guess it'll be out next week then. It's the last week of January anyway.
if they do an unannounced NPC drop this update and it's not brewster, who do you guys think it'll be/want it to be? i have a few - i'd really love to see katie or wendell! i can't really see any 'bigger' names like katrina or the pelicans, and i think if/when they come back they'll be behind bigger events like reese and cyrus were.
if they do an unannounced NPC drop this update and it's not brewster, who do you guys think it'll be/want it to be? i have a few - i'd really love to see katie or wendell! i can't really see any 'bigger' names like katrina or the pelicans, and i think if/when they come back they'll be behind bigger events like reese and cyrus were.
I think Pete because he was part of past St Valentine's events.
I think Pete because he was part of past St Valentine's events.
i'd love to see him for valentines! i forgot he took part in old valentines mini events in older games. i really miss seeing him flying to deliver letters and shooting him down too, so i hope they bring him back for that too. how do the dodos even deliver letters anyway?
I would love a valentines update in February :love: I have said before on here but I just want all the cute furniture that Pocket camp has during the valentines update.
Mardi Gras is February 16th, meaning that's when Festivale should take place if I'm not mistaken, so any Valentine's content will be included in the January update.
I read it might add ceiling furniture and villager visits.

I don't want either.

We need tables and sofas, food, etc, all the NL items before ceiling stuff, as you can't sit on a ceiling fan, or decorate your island with it. :(

And there's no point of villager visits for me, as they are boring and I like not having them barge in, plus it was only worth visiting in NL because there was a massive variety of furniture you could buy from them.

They have nothing worth buying that we don't already have.
I read it might add ceiling furniture and villager visits.

I don't want either.

We need tables and sofas, food, etc, all the NL items before ceiling stuff, as you can't sit on a ceiling fan, or decorate your island with it. :(

And there's no point of villager visits for me, as they are boring and I like not having them barge in, plus it was only worth visiting in NL because there was a massive variety of furniture you could buy from them.

They have nothing worth buying that we don't already have.
Tbh i agree with these visits. Like that personally wouldnt make the game any more fun for me or make me wanna play more. After 5 visits of diff villagers id honestly get bored of it. Even in NL I didnt care at all after a while about the visits and just neglected em all as they became repetitive. Thats the thing about these type of updates like makin the villager dialogue more complex for example. Theres always gonna be a point where youd eventually go through all the convo even after a dialogue update and you would pretty much end up in the same boat as in the beginning. Now imagine if every villager had his special own unique lines that only they say. This is the typa **** id expect for a new AC game that took 7 years to come out. Youd expect for them to do somethin like that but sadly it never happened. That said, I for sure would ne happy af if they added more dialogue but at the end of the day , it would become repetitive after a week of playin.

Only thing that nintendo should do is make small monthly updates for just villager dialogue, expanding it for us so we constently see new things and that sort of thing would keep everyone engaged for a long time. Or instead of monthly updates , they would just release more dialogue every regular update that we get like now for example.
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I read it might add ceiling furniture and villager visits.
Ceiling furniture? Wasn't that a thing back in Happy Home Designer? I mean, out of all previous features, I would have picked something different, but if there some nice looking ceiling lamps and such, I would give it a chance. Otherwise, I personally wouldn't mind villagers visits coming back, I'm glad if my villagers actually want to hang out with me more. 😕

Now I do wonder how high the chances are that they gonna say something tomorrow.
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