? The Next Update

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If there was a delay, it should have been announced ahead of time. Not on the date when the update is expected to be released.

It's already the 26th and there's only a few days left before February. It should be announced and released real soon. It would be a total troll if this is released on the 31st though.

It would suck if nothing new added is available when the update drops though (like the reactions & hairstyles). If it's just Pave (which doesn't happen until the 15th), then they should've dropped the update next month instead. They're basically letting us wait with nothing if that's the case.

Nintendo doesnt drop anything during weekends. Trailer is coming 100% today and released on thursday as thats how they usually did it. If not today then last chance is tomorrow and update droppin on friday
I still have that strong gut feeling that the reveal trailer is going to drop tomorrow, and then the update is going to drop on Thursday.

Again I cannot explain why, but I just have had that feeling...
I think they'll just upload a trailer with an "available now" message at the end. Like, they've been doing this with some full game releases and dlcs sometimes (happened often when Nintendo Direct was still around).
No better reaction picture to this constant waiting than this:

Hope tomorrow is finally the day.

Have a slight feeling like it's going to be the same way as the Halloween update. The update itself drops at the very last day of January.
Exactly. These kind of ruts are pretty normal for me - I barely touched the game in september and december - but now I feel like we really need some new content to keep me engaged, otherwise I don't really see the point of checking on my town anymore.
So I really hope this updates contains more than just Pavé, because it's been 6 months since we've had any regular content.
Gosh this game is so BORING right now. The lack of interesting things to do is slowly turning me off. In NL, there were at least mini games you could play on the island to pass the time. Whatever is in this next update needs to be BIG and not just have the Pavé event. We need more content in general because this game feels so incomplete

Every game, including AC has limited content. There's nothing like infinity in any game I'm afraid.
As we could see, every single update in last moths, brought mainly focus on events or preparations to those events.
Some changes we had, were needed (increased inventory, pumpkins) but haven't provided many changes to QoL I'm afraid.

I'll be honest: as much as I love the game, I simply ran out of things to do. Sure, I could keep collecting different colors of items, or trying to breed the two colors of flowers I still don't have... I spent basically all January changing the layout of my island, and although a large part of it wasn't touched (I just changed what I had to change), the island is almost 100% complete at this point, even though I purposely left a large area without decorations because they may eventually add The Roost as a separate building.

The update won't be huge or game changing, that's for sure. But they need to add some significant "crunch" to the game so we can have a reason to keep playing. By "crunch" I'm talking about substantial gameplay additions, and not just a bunch of furniture or clothing. Even if they add all the furniture sets from the past games, as some have been asking for, it won't be enough to quench our thirst for content for the simple fact that after we redecorate areas/houses of the island with new furniture, we'll be back to the same point we are today.

Minigames are badly needed and they have to give players some encouragement to go online. Most people who have been playing this game for more than 3 months already have most things they want because they can just get those items from artificial sources (nookazon, tbt or any other platform where people can buy items from other players instead of praying for RNGesus to put the items they need on balloons). There's currently no reason at all to even visit another player's island because you can just visit their dream, which is kinda bizarre since AC is a social game.

We have limited amount of achievements, and we have a limited space on island. Sure, big N could change achievements a bit, for example - "catch 1,000,000 bugs" or "plant 1,000,000 trees", but it will be repetitive and changes nothing.
At this point, for advanced players something new and fresh is required, something unique, something what keep us to playing more and more.

In many occasions we were debating what happens if we will got more buildings, but I don't believe it ever happens.
Obviously it could... but I lost my faith long time ago.
Existing building could be multi-stored, converted into something much bigger... but I don't believe it this either.
If we will have all NL content (what is unrealistic in my opinion) - game will have some sort of completion, but we will have what is missing from previous game(s) but it will be nothing new, really, nothing fresh.
I think more buildings are in the pipeline. The Devs obviously are conscious of space and have tried to be extremely efficient in terms of buildings and content (combining mail with Airport, dreaming happening on a bed, etc.), but it's impossible ignore how badly people want a few more standalone shops, ESPECIALLY Brewster and the Roost. It might be the most strongly requested feature (and might explain why his return has been so delayed, if there is unused code of him being added to the Museum and the Devs decided to rebuild him from the ground up).

Also keep in mind, it's OK to be bored with Animal Crossing after several months of playing and/or take a break. We know that there are years of planned updates coming, and that was announced before New Horizons became one of the best selling games of all time in a few months. We're gonna get cool stuff.
While I don't want to get my hopes up just to be disappointed afterwards, part of me really wishes The Roost coming back with the now upcoming update. It would just fit imo perfectly with Valentine's Day (Brewster selling hot chocolate) and the fact that it's still winter (warm drinks in form of coffee etc.). I mean, when else should they bring it back? Sure, there is still the 1st anniversary coming up, but something tells me they gonna focus on a different topic here which is bigger than The Roost (besides, there still this Super Mario 35th thing). After all, Luna for an example also came back out of nowhere in the summer update.

Also, just a random thought: If they gonna include any Valentine's Day related items in this update, I hope for a Cupid outfit that comes along with angel like wings (I just want more wings available in this ffs).
I think more buildings are in the pipeline. The Devs obviously are conscious of space and have tried to be extremely efficient in terms of buildings and content (combining mail with Airport, dreaming happening on a bed, etc.), but it's impossible ignore how badly people want a few more standalone shops, ESPECIALLY Brewster and the Roost. It might be the most strongly requested feature (and might explain why his return has been so delayed, if there is unused code of him being added to the Museum and the Devs decided to rebuild him from the ground up).

Also keep in mind, it's OK to be bored with Animal Crossing after several months of playing and/or take a break. We know that there are years of planned updates coming, and that was announced before New Horizons became one of the best selling games of all time in a few months. We're gonna get cool stuff.

We have limited space, because THEY limited it for us deliberately. It's not the limit of console, it's nothing impossible. Island could be much bigger and many buildings would fit with no problem. Animal Crossing GC version has 15 villagers and console had less power than Switch... so it looks like many things are possible, if someone wants to improve it.
Combining and minimalistic view was not a good option and serves nothing than proving how stubborn developers could be.

While I don't want to get my hopes up just to be disappointed afterwards, part of me really wishes The Roost coming back with the now upcoming update. It would just fit imo perfectly with Valentine's Day (Brewster selling hot chocolate) and the fact that it's still winter (warm drinks in form of coffee etc.). I mean, when else should they bring it back? Sure, there is still the 1st anniversary coming up, but something tells me they gonna focus on a different topic here which is bigger than The Roost (besides, there still this Super Mario 35th thing). After all, Luna for an example also came back out of nowhere in the summer update.

Also, just a random thought: If they gonna include any Valentine's Day related items in this update, I hope for a Cupid outfit that comes along with angel like wings (I just want more wings available in this ffs).

Instead... we have Valentine's Day card in the post office... oh... sorry, there is no post office... just stand inside the Airport. Instead hot chocolate we still have ovens serving no purposes, but luckily we can change our clothing, taking a fresh one from the fridge. :p
I don't know much about the technical decision that went into island size. I think the size is fine, but then again barely half of my island is used in even a basic capacity (and I like it that way).

I will say that running out of island design space (excluding storage space/custom designs) is a problem encountered only by very advanced players. There's an argument made by these same players that they don't want more buildings because it could ruin the meticulous design of their islands. They sort of have a point, but I feel like the real fun of New Horizons is compromise and redecoration as the seasons and your tastes/catalog changes.
I don't know much about the technical decision that went into island size. I think the size is fine, but then again barely half of my island is used in even a basic capacity (and I like it that way).

I will say that running out of island design space (excluding storage space/custom designs) is a problem encountered only by very advanced players. There's an argument made by these same players that they don't want more buildings because it could ruin the meticulous design of their islands. They sort of have a point, but I feel like the real fun of New Horizons is compromise and redecoration as the seasons and your tastes/catalog changes.
I think that as well. If they're going to add more buildings, I definitely need more island space. I love how everything is arranged and I don't want to change it :(
I think that as well. If they're going to add more buildings, I definitely need more island space. I love how everything is arranged and I don't want to change it :(

Because of this I'm pretty sure they will let the player make the choice if they want a new building or stuff to be added to an existing one. I for example would totally prefer a new building because I think that would very much help me decorate a pretty empty part of my island that I don't know what to do with, so it would make sense if they let us choose. I'd personally be pretty disappointed if the Roost went back to only being inside the museum...
We will know soon if today is actually the day lol. Im not even excited that much as my expectations are extremeeeely low
Same, I just want the update to drop so I can finally move on lol
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