? The Next Update

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Hey guys, I just wanted to say, if you find the game boring right now, I don't think they're going to add something game-changing enough to make it suddenly not boring in this update, the routines are still going to be the same, the core of the gameplay is going to be the same, IF they add villager visits or minigames that's what could change the game the most but I seriously wouldn't expect to fall in love with the game again because of an update

I really don't wanna be a mood killer, but I have friends who felt that same way back in like, June, and some of them only pick the game up now for a couple days to check out the new updates, while the rest of them have never picked it up again, so yeah, I think the getting bored of the game thing probably goes beyond the updates

I agree. And I also don’t see the problem about getting bored with it for a while. That’s happened to me with all AC games because I’ve moved on to new games. I still play daily, because I do daily chores and talk with my villagers, but most AC games have been like this since the beginning. You’ll eventually run out of things to do (even w Brewster, you’d find yourself w nothing else to do). Minigames are probably the only thing that might add more replay value to the game (if you’re into them; I never played much of them in NL).
And I also don’t see the problem about getting bored with it for a while. That’s happened to me with all AC games because I’ve moved on to new games.

Absolutely true for me as well. In fact I've always been one to get bored of the game before even finishing anything; in New Horizons I've completed all the fish and bugs collection for the first time in any AC game, and I don't think I've ever played an Animal Crossing game every single day since launch for as long as I'm experiencing that in New Horizons.

It's weird because even if it's missing classic Animal Crossing content it's the first time one of these games has had me hooked for so long. I think it might be because of the social aspect of the game since I didn't use to be in the online AC community back in previous games, but still, it's interesting. In that sense I think I have a pretty unpopular experience, but yeah, even if they won't add any major game changing stuff, I'm always looking forward to whatever they may add tbh
Absolutely true for me as well. In fact I've always been one to get bored of the game before even finishing anything; in New Horizons I've completed all the fish and bugs collection for the first time in any AC game, and I don't think I've ever played an Animal Crossing game every single day since launch for as long as I'm experiencing that in New Horizons.

It's weird because even if it's missing classic Animal Crossing content it's the first time one of these games has had me hooked for so long. I think it might be because of the social aspect of the game since I didn't use to be in the online AC community back in previous games, but still, it's interesting. In that sense I think I have a pretty unpopular experience, but yeah, even if they won't add any major game changing stuff, I'm always looking forward to whatever they may add tbh

Yeah, this happens to me as well. I didn’t really use dream codes in NL but I’ve been doing a lot of dream island visits this time in NH :)
Maybe mini games get added in the mario update coming this march. I dont feel like this one is gonna be that big. Still excited to find out what is it about, though. Anyway, i guess it is coming tomorrow then since you guys say that is when they dropped some of the previous trailers before.
Hey guys, I just wanted to say, if you find the game boring right now, I don't think they're going to add something game-changing enough to make it suddenly not boring in this update, the routines are still going to be the same, the core of the gameplay is going to be the same, IF they add villager visits or minigames that's what could change the game the most but I seriously wouldn't expect to fall in love with the game again because of an update

I really don't wanna be a mood killer, but I have friends who felt that same way back in like, June, and some of them only pick the game up now for a couple days to check out the new updates, while the rest of them have never picked it up again, so yeah, I think the getting bored of the game thing probably goes beyond the updates

I'm actually not asking for much. Sure I'd love a variety of things in the update but even if it's the Pave event and they dragged it out for a few weeks so that we're collecting things up until the actual event in mid February, I wouldn't be bored. I just need new things to do, that's all it will take for me to get interested in it again. It happened with previous updates, so I know it could happen with this one.
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I'll be honest: as much as I love the game, I simply ran out of things to do. Sure, I could keep collecting different colors of items, or trying to breed the two colors of flowers I still don't have... I spent basically all January changing the layout of my island, and although a large part of it wasn't touched (I just changed what I had to change), the island is almost 100% complete at this point, even though I purposely left a large area without decorations because they may eventually add The Roost as a separate building.

The update won't be huge or game changing, that's for sure. But they need to add some significant "crunch" to the game so we can have a reason to keep playing. By "crunch" I'm talking about substantial gameplay additions, and not just a bunch of furniture or clothing. Even if they add all the furniture sets from the past games, as some have been asking for, it won't be enough to quench our thirst for content for the simple fact that after we redecorate areas/houses of the island with new furniture, we'll be back to the same point we are today.

Minigames are badly needed and they have to give players some encouragement to go online. Most people who have been playing this game for more than 3 months already have most things they want because they can just get those items from artificial sources (nookazon, tbt or any other platform where people can buy items from other players instead of praying for RNGesus to put the items they need on balloons). There's currently no reason at all to even visit another player's island because you can just visit their dream, which is kinda bizarre since AC is a social game.
I'll be honest: as much as I love the game, I simply ran out of things to do. Sure, I could keep collecting different colors of items, or trying to breed the two colors of flowers I still don't have... I spent basically all January changing the layout of my island, and although a large part of it wasn't touched (I just changed what I had to change), the island is almost 100% complete at this point, even though I purposely left a large area without decorations because they may eventually add The Roost as a separate building.

The update won't be huge or game changing, that's for sure. But they need to add some significant "crunch" to the game so we can have a reason to keep playing. By "crunch" I'm talking about substantial gameplay additions, and not just a bunch of furniture or clothing. Even if they add all the furniture sets from the past games, as some have been asking for, it won't be enough to quench our thirst for content for the simple fact that after we redecorate areas/houses of the island with new furniture, we'll be back to the same point we are today.

Minigames are badly needed and they have to give players some encouragement to go online. Most people who have been playing this game for more than 3 months already have most things they want because they can just get those items from artificial sources (nookazon, tbt or any other platform where people can buy items from other players instead of praying for RNGesus to put the items they need on balloons). There's currently no reason at all to even visit another player's island because you can just visit their dream, which is kinda bizarre since AC is a social game.
Same here. Im already bored of the game and even with brewster, gyroids and more id for sure enjoy the game a lil bit further but pretty damn soon id be in the same boat as I am now. Shop upgrades would be a great addition to release but most of us would get that upgrade quite fast so it wouldnt keep me interested for a long time. All of these slow and quite small updates might be covid related so i wont bash nintendo in that way as the whole world is suffering with this pandemic one way or another.

Imo what would personally really attract me to play every single day again is dialogue updates. Like I mentioned above, every single update, nintendo could release a bunch of new dailogue and possibly more eventful things to do with the villagers( adding more requests, more lil events like treasure hunt atm, ofc u visiting them and vice versa...etc).

Im sure we can all agree what makes animal crossing so unique are the villagers and the charm they have, so dialogue updates every update would be fantastic
The worst part of this "dry season" regarding content is that I'm broke, so I can't even buy a new game to play while I wait for some substantial updates. Cyber Shadow drops tomorrow and I'm dying to play that game (have been following that since the beginning of it's dev cycle). Oh well, I think I'll just replay Mega Man 9 and 10 again...
I've always thought it would be cool to be able to change the mannequins outfits with what items are in the shop that day!
So at this point are we thinking that the update may be delayed or just late/last minute?
So at this point are we thinking that the update may be delayed or just late/last minute?

If it doesn't come by Thursday, then I'm betting delayed. I hear Japan is having trouble with another COVID surge, so I'm just hoping people are ok at this point. I would love transparency and I'm more than willing to wait longer, but it is Nintendo and they are funny with not telling us there is a problem.
If there was a delay, it should have been announced ahead of time. Not on the date when the update is expected to be released.

It's already the 26th and there's only a few days left before February. It should be announced and released real soon. It would be a total troll if this is released on the 31st though.

It would suck if nothing new added is available when the update drops though (like the reactions & hairstyles). If it's just Pave (which doesn't happen until the 15th), then they should've dropped the update next month instead. They're basically letting us wait with nothing if that's the case.
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I still have that strong gut feeling that the reveal trailer is going to drop tomorrow, and then the update is going to drop on Thursday.

Again I cannot explain why, but I just have had that feeling...
I still have that strong gut feeling that the reveal trailer is going to drop tomorrow, and then the update is going to drop on Thursday.

Again I cannot explain why, but I just have had that feeling...

I have that feeling but I know why lol. It's because the pattern has been that way for most of the updates.

I'm with those that want more things to do online with friends.
The timer game where you catch bugs and fish was fun for like a minute but then got old.
I actually never played new leaf with friends so I'm not sure what kind of mini games they had, but I'm sure they were better than that.
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