? The Next Update

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I think that as well. If they're going to add more buildings, I definitely need more island space. I love how everything is arranged and I don't want to change it :(

Considering I never have any open room, and I only have 1 player house vs those who have 10 villagers and 8 player homes, there seems to be absolutely no room on our tiny islands to add more buildings. We need to a city escape like City Folk
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We will know soon if today is actually the day lol. Im not even excited that much as my expectations are extremeeeely low

I am keeping my expectations low as well. I need more content than Pavé to keep me interested but I'm not getting my hopes up. Hopefully its today or perhaps tomorrow.
Private video: *exists*

AC fans right now:

Still no Brewster...

...is what I'm prepared to say. We'll find out soon enough.

Well, I'd say "Now with Valentine's Day is the perfect time for a cozy coffee shop with hot chocolate..." but I also said that the fall update was perfect for that so I'm not expecting much :rolleyes:
Yeah I guess Brewster will come in March or something.

Pretty cool update still though.

...is what I'm also expecting to say
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