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The Official Alcohol Thread

What's your drink of choice?

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I picked beer, but only the nice microbrew stuff. I know, I'm a snob, but my state has some really stunning breweries and sell their products in grocery stores in the area. Going from that to almost any mass-produced beer is just... bleh. Other than that, vodka and something citrusy is my choice!
I love a nice Dos Equis.
I drank so much one time and tried to open a bottled one with my teeth though and it was a bit bloody lol.

Anyway, beer is the way to go for me.
I want to perfect my bottle opening skillz like this guy right here:

my family allows me to drink, but i truly hate any kind of alcohol. tried wine, spit it out. tried beer, gagged. tried vodka, had a sore throat for an hour. whiskey, tequila, etc, don't even want to taste it or get near it!
hard cider is my jam! add in some fireball or Apple whisky and its even better!

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and all wine! I took a course my senior year of college and we got free tastings weekly and just had to blog about it for grades... needless to say I got an A... and learned a ton about wines too! Started the class not liking red wine and was cured of that week 2
Another time I got drunk. It was my 21st birthday and apparently I started rolling around like a log and I told my brother in law that he's crap at drawing, but it's okay because he's really good at graphic design. Then I clearly remember lying to my sister-in-law and telling her that she was a good artist. She draws like a 12 year old me (amen.) Then telling my friend's 16 year old sister that if a boy hurts her, to kick him in the balls and to not let no man tell her how to feel about herself.
then I told my trans friend that I never even saw her as a man, and that's she's always been a woman to me.
or the time I got drunk and didn't realize it, but I kept asking like, really weird questions about Judaism to this Jewish guy I know.
Or another time I was trying to support my Native American friend b/c she was feeling bad and I accidentally said that "all native americans belong to americas" instead of "america beloings to native americans" At least it cheered her up.
Or another time that I got really drunk and went karaoking with my sister and got on stage and sang modest mouse as loud as I could.

And this is why I don't drink anymore.
I got pretty early access to alcohol cause of my dad. Probably started drinking (not just taking sips) when I was 10 or so, but I don't drink very often.

However, my preferred drinks are red wine / grapefruit juice and vodka.

Last drink was whiskey a few weeks ago.
in my opinion if you're going to put poisonous liquids into your body then do it in style

beer is disgusting and cheap, I hate it.
Whisky is life and actually tastes nice.
This ... :rolleyes:
Alcohol ain't my thing, sorry cool kids. I was actually talking about it with one of my friends yesterday.

I wouldn't mind having a casual drink or two at a party, but I'm not a fan of getting drunk at all. I'd love to try out wine sometime though.
I've tried some of the things mentioned.
But most of the time I just drink mix drinks. Because I'm weak ^^"
I don't drink alcohol because I dislike the taste of it. Despite the fact I'm almost 18 so I can legally drink soon, it still does not interest me. Most of my friends at school drink quite a lot at parties and often get really drunk and pass out and do all sorts of crazy stuff, to me that isn't really my idea of... Fun, I suppose. x3 I would rather just drink Pepsi or a lemonade or something, because that actually tastes nice, and then I don't have to worry about saying or doing something really stupid later on because I'm drunk. I mean, idk, just it doesn't interest me at all, really. I'm not saying that there is anything wrong with it, just saying that I personally wouldn't want to. ^^
I used to drink bourbon on the rocks, then i switched to scotch with a plash of water, nowadays it's rum: either in a darkNstormy, a ti' ponche, a cuba libre (mentirita), a Pluto's Heart, a hemingway daiquiri, or if its reaaly good- neat.

but beer ftw.