The Official Crying Corner for Europeans who don't yet have it...


Resident Coldplayer
Oct 13, 2011
Throwback Tickets
Soo basically... I'm European, and I chose to digitally download the game as I thought it would be the way to get NL the earliest and... It seems every single European copy has arrived early! Aargh! A release date is a release date! Why can't the Companies stick to it!?

I know how immature this is, and I know I'm gonna look back at this thread in about 10 hours when I've downloaded it and go 'Why the hell was I so stupid?' but I'm just a little envious thats all...

But I'm happy for everyone who has got the game and can't wait to play with you all soon! :)
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You're not alone! I ordered the physical copy from Amazon, and it seems they chose the very last minute to dispatch it. :(

I'll have to wait until the postman shows up tomorrow...
Mind if I join the club? Haha. Thankfully tomorrow is is the end of the test week. So it's actually a pretty nice release date for me. :p
I'll probably get my digital copy on Sunday, considering Nintendo take ages to send emails....
*makes club-badges for everyone*

I don't know about you guys but I think its far more fun to whine in company than alone. :)
I should stay away from the forum really, until the game is delivered. It's only adding salt to the wound.
I'm trying desperately to stay away for the next 9 hours... but it's just not working. :(
Yup, I'm weeping away too. I preordered instore, I should have ordered online seeing as everyone got it early. I was warned and I chose to get it instore anyway. It serves me right for not listening!
Well if it makes it easier, I have my game here. Right now, sitting on my desk. But no 3DS to play it on, yep I work away from home and the only week I have ever forgotten to bring it with me is release week. I do have my bf and brother coming up for a visit tonight and are bringing my 3DS, but they won't arrive until almost midnight, so although I have it, I'm in the same boat!

Now laugh at my sheer stupidity and feel better!!!
*pats tiger on the head*

I shall laugh and cry.. tears of joy? hmm... will have to see tomorrow. Work is going to go very slow.... *bangs head on desk* >.<
Thank you, thank you.

Don't bang too hard. Although, it may knock you out, sleep the day away and hometime comes faster... A plan, although not a very good one
I'm still waiting on my bundle to arrive. Dispatched today but the postman delivers in the afternoon in my building so, more waiting. I've seen people get the game 2 days early. Not sure what's going on. Not as bad as the Doctor Who DVD scandal I suppose.
I got the worst letter anyone could've gotten. It said I have to wait 20 hours before picking it up at the Post Office because I missed it.
I can't cope at the moment.
I got the worst letter anyone could've gotten. It said I have to wait 20 hours before picking it up at the Post Office because I missed it.
I can't cope at the moment.

Oh god, that is the worst feeling :| :(
This is ridiculous! We've waited 3 years... why can't we wait another 8 hours until the game releases... :|