The Official Crying Corner for Europeans who don't yet have it...

There was a problem with the little statues so I get it around tomorrow, most people from my place got it already...
Its only a day but still...kinda unfair
I'm looking at the site from the delivery service like every hour. It still states they have to receive it from the webshop.
I'm really scared it wont arrive tomorrow, and I have to wait even more :(
i cant wait im getting mine tommorow but i have to sit threw a day of school and peform an hour long show (for my drama class) before i can go home and get my hands on that game p.s it will already be at my house becuz my mums picking it up for me when im in school
I got my shipment email on Wednesday at 1:40am, so was hoping it would arrive today, but no luck. In my case it might be a blessing in disguise though since I was sparring last night and my thumb got bent right back (wow that hurts!), as much as I wish I was playing Animal Crossing right now, I doubt hours of play would do my thumb any good.
I didn't even preorder it hahaha
I'm gonna run to the game store tomorrow morning...
Did the same with pokemon white/black on its release date, so I guess/hope that I'll be fine?
I hope it will be fine, but I do remember there being problems for people who didn't preorder the game in Japan due to it's high selling.
I'm going to pick it up in the morrrnnniinnggg!!! ahhh finally!! Think I might go get snacks to eat whilst I play :D
I'm going into town early tomorrow morning to buy my copy. I don't think there will be any problems with copies running out thankfully. I really should have tried avoiding tumblr and the forums but I just couldn't do it! Oh well at least the three year wait will be over tomorrow! :) <3
Yesssss, can't believe it! I got it!

I heard some rumours about a shop in our country that sold them today, so I went in and got the last one they had. I'm so happyyyyy. <3333
Yesssss, can't believe it! I got it!

I heard some rumours about a shop in our country that sold them today, so I went in and got the last one they had. I'm so happyyyyy. <3333

Wow, that's luck right there :)

Enjoy the game, it's awesome!
Aww, thank you! Just trying to get a decent map, the ones he gave me were terrible. Hehe. c:

Yeah it took me 2-3 resets before I saw one I liked :) It's definitely worth resetting for though haha, some of them are terrible!
ARGH! I'm still waiting! Darn postman. I went down to the reception to check if it's been delivered but it isn't there. Not sure if the postman came and gone yet. WAAAAA!
I hope you all get your copies soon!
Mines here but I said to my boyfriend I would wait till he got home. I'm staring at the title screen drooling haha.
Turns out my bundle has been sent to my home address even though I changed it to my uni address and it says the uni address on the confirmation. *MIND EXPLOSION*
Turns out my bundle has been sent to my home address even though I changed it to my uni address and it says the uni address on the confirmation. *MIND EXPLOSION*

Ahh that sucks :/ Hope you get it in your hands soon :)