I have not been rude at all. I have been straightforward, just as you have been. This is always an issue between you and I, where you instantly read my posts as if they're condescending or an attack and try to tone police me, when I am merely being straight with you or whatever staff member, just as you usually are with me. I already know you and at least one other staff have a bias against me, and I choose my words carefully for this reason, yet you always insist I am attacking. And it's likely because I'm one of few who isn't afraid to note when staff is being unfair or has made a mistake without fluffing up my post or apologizing profusely out of fear of being warned/banned. After this I think you guys just don't want people to hold you accountable at all, and if they do they have to be coddling. But you're adults, and I'm an adult, so I'm going to talk to you like an adult.With all due respect, nearly all of the posts you've made to both feedback threads have been extremely rude and often inaccurate. This is yet another example. Considering the reports and complaints we've received, I doubt this feeling is unique to the staff. That's not to mention the post I deleted on Thursday after you made even more condescending demands just minutes after LadyDestani asked for patience and for the rules to be followed:
We have been very lenient in this thread in the name of receiving feedback, but the way in which you share your opinions is going to ruin feedback for everyone if you don't change to a more cooperative approach.
By the way, I'm not about to ask one of the moderators to be wheeled out to this whipping post you keep trying to erect. At the end of the day, an event host thought an entry didn't follow the rules of their event, and some people disagreed, which is what I've addressed. There is no blame being shifted. Chris ran the event in a particular way. You decided to leave feedback in a particular way. These are two different things, and I hope you will be as receptive to feedback as we have been.
You want to claim people were publicly dogpiling on Chris, but how is you singling me out and publicly claiming that people reported me (which I'm doubting is true or as bad as you make it out to be considering said bias and all the support I've received, but we'll never know) with people like/love reacting your post not dogpiling? You've just made the situation much more ironic and hypocritical.
If you can't accept feedback that doesn't hold your hand, then that only goes to show that all my posts about staff feedback and accountability have been correct at their core, regardless of how mean you think I'm being. So as far as I'm concerned you can go ahead and remove feedback, it'll look worse for you than it does for me.