The Official Feedback Thread

With all due respect, nearly all of the posts you've made to both feedback threads have been extremely rude and often inaccurate. This is yet another example. Considering the reports and complaints we've received, I doubt this feeling is unique to the staff. That's not to mention the post I deleted on Thursday after you made even more condescending demands just minutes after LadyDestani asked for patience and for the rules to be followed:

We have been very lenient in this thread in the name of receiving feedback, but the way in which you share your opinions is going to ruin feedback for everyone if you don't change to a more cooperative approach.

By the way, I'm not about to ask one of the moderators to be wheeled out to this whipping post you keep trying to erect. At the end of the day, an event host thought an entry didn't follow the rules of their event, and some people disagreed, which is what I've addressed. There is no blame being shifted. Chris ran the event in a particular way. You decided to leave feedback in a particular way. These are two different things, and I hope you will be as receptive to feedback as we have been.
I have not been rude at all. I have been straightforward, just as you have been. This is always an issue between you and I, where you instantly read my posts as if they're condescending or an attack and try to tone police me, when I am merely being straight with you or whatever staff member, just as you usually are with me. I already know you and at least one other staff have a bias against me, and I choose my words carefully for this reason, yet you always insist I am attacking. And it's likely because I'm one of few who isn't afraid to note when staff is being unfair or has made a mistake without fluffing up my post or apologizing profusely out of fear of being warned/banned. After this I think you guys just don't want people to hold you accountable at all, and if they do they have to be coddling. But you're adults, and I'm an adult, so I'm going to talk to you like an adult.

You want to claim people were publicly dogpiling on Chris, but how is you singling me out and publicly claiming that people reported me (which I'm doubting is true or as bad as you make it out to be considering said bias and all the support I've received, but we'll never know) with people like/love reacting your post not dogpiling? You've just made the situation much more ironic and hypocritical.

If you can't accept feedback that doesn't hold your hand, then that only goes to show that all my posts about staff feedback and accountability have been correct at their core, regardless of how mean you think I'm being. So as far as I'm concerned you can go ahead and remove feedback, it'll look worse for you than it does for me.
Snark isn't constructive and is unnecessary tbh, since snark was mentioned in this thread. There are better ways to express not being happy with whatever without using snark. It may take quiet time for 5 mins before writing, but it can reasonably be done, and is a choice, a choice of the writer.
(And you are likely to get better results in life if you leave the snark unsaid!)

The effort rule isn't new, but changing it to detail is a good move. However I think people may argue how detailed is enough detail if it isn't very specific.

Example ideas, design a festival stall in acnh with the theme of x. Have at minium 5 items in the set. The 5 items is the acceptable detail amount, more is better.
Or design a yard sale sign for your favorite villager's Saturday yard sale. The sign must have a minimum of two words and 3 images. More words and more images are better, but two words and 3 images are the acceptable detail amount.
Are you guys making up the snark thing or have I been hit with a neuralyzer because I certainly have not seen any and I don't remember being snarky myself since I didn't want my posts deleted
I have not been rude at all. I have been straightforward, just as you have been. This is always an issue between you and I, where you instantly read my posts as if they're condescending or an attack and try to tone police me, when I am merely being straight with you or whatever staff member, just as you usually are with me. I already know you and at least one other staff have a bias against me, and I choose my words carefully for this reason, yet you always insist I am attacking. And it's likely because I'm one of few who isn't afraid to note when staff is being unfair or has made a mistake without fluffing up my post or apologizing profusely out of fear of being warned/banned. After this I think you guys just don't want people to hold you accountable at all, and if they do they have to be coddling. But you're adults, and I'm an adult, so I'm going to talk to you like an adult.

You want to claim people were publicly dogpiling on Chris, but how is you singling me out and publicly claiming that people reported me (which I'm doubting is true or as bad as you make it out to be considering said bias and all the support I've received, but we'll never know) with people like/love reacting your post not dogpiling? You've just made the situation much more ironic and hypocritical.

If you can't accept feedback that doesn't hold your hand, then that only goes to show that all my posts about staff feedback and accountability have been correct at their core, regardless of how mean you think I'm being. So as far as I'm concerned you can go ahead and remove feedback, it'll look worse for you than it does for me.
You're not being straightforward, you're simply being rude. Take this post, for example. You're lying by claiming the staff are closed to feedback despite this thread showing otherwise on multiple points. You're condescending by claiming we want our hands held and saying things like, "I'm going to talk to you like an adult." This is how you're ruining feedback: by turning something productive into something negative. You're making it difficult for legitimate concerns to be heard because you're distracting from them by acting like a bully. Yes, you're right that this isn't new, and this has nothing to do with me and goes far beyond the topic of feedback, as I'm sure you're well aware.
Are you guys making up the snark thing or have I been hit with a neuralyzer because I certainly have not seen any and I don't remember being snarky myself since I didn't want my posts deleted
I was personally commenting about a comment made earlier in the thread describing snark. I usually try avoid quoting people as that is sometimes taken as a direct reply when I am not meaning it as a direct reply to an individual, but rather I am just commenting on the topic.
Topic being: is snark acceptable in the feedback thread.
I'm gonna come out and say that an issue brought up at the end of January still lives fresh in my brain, and the original post has not been brought down despite me (& probably several others?) reporting that it should be taken down as it's the source of 'drama' to begin with. You guys say 'please stop bringing up drama from other communities' yet the original post that started all this conversation is... still there. I know I've reported it. I've also included a reasoning as to why it should be taken down; it's vague posting about certain members which is against the rule. It has not been taken down.

I'm bringing this in particular because I remember seliph (and a few others I believe) responding to the original post which, in my opinion, is just right considering it was an indirect post to an issue a few years ago and the issue has resolved since. Well, resolved is a very loose word considering one person keeps bringing it up regardless, and I think it should be policed more because literally no one else is making a huge deal of the several-years-ago issue anymore, yet the responses have been removed except for the original comment that started it all. Even I forgot about the issue until someone ripped their own bandage off by choice. People are asking to stop bringing it up, and it gets brought up regardless. And despite the reports the post is still ever-present.

And I absolutely hate to bring up Christmas 2023 but it just hurts me that people are allowed to make public some rather condescending statements on the users involved in Christmas 2023 when these said users are changed and are not bringing up the issue anymore themselves. I'd like to think people would move past an issue if it's been dealt with and resolved and the involved parties are reprimanded, so why keep ripping up bandages? And why do we keep allowing people to rip up bandages?

This was not meant to be an attack on a single person but examples of how certain things aren't policed well despite feedback. Certain people can get away with loose words, but not others, so in general I just think there should be a more firm handle on this.
You're not being straightforward, you're simply being rude. Take this post, for example. You're lying by claiming the staff are closed to feedback despite this thread showing otherwise on multiple points. You're condescending by claiming we want our hands held and saying things like, "I'm going to talk to you like an adult." This is how you're ruining feedback: by turning something productive into something negative. You're making it difficult for legitimate concerns to be heard because you're distracting from them by acting like a bully. Yes, you're right that this isn't new, and this has nothing to do with me and goes far beyond the topic of feedback, as I'm sure you're well aware.
I'm not saying you're closed to feedback, I'm saying that in my experience (and apparently others' experiences as well, judging by other posts) you are closed to any feedback that isn't what you want to hear or phrased in a way you don't like. You are purposely twisting my words to be insulting when I am merely talking to you as an equal and in the exact same tone you talk to me - How is saying I'm going to talk to you like an adult condescending? I'm explaining my tone to you since you always want to take it as aggressive. Other people feel the need to pad their posts because they're scared of getting in trouble if they criticize staff, and I don't want to do that because it feels ingenuine - this isn't me talking down to you, it's just how I post.

This was negative from the start because this issue was ignored for over a month. That's not on me. That's on the lack of staff acknowledgment, and the extremely childish excuse of "I'm not going to post because people are (allegedly) dogpiling on me".

Which concerns haven't been heard? From what I've seen several legitimate concerns, such as WDYLL, have been acknowledged and even responded to. So please tell me what I'm distracting from by "acting like a bully", which is merely having an issue with an instance in exactly the same way as others have.
I'm not saying you're closed to feedback, I'm saying that in my experience (and apparently others' experiences as well, judging by other posts) you are closed to any feedback that isn't what you want to hear or phrased in a way you don't like. You are purposely twisting my words to be insulting when I am merely talking to you as an equal and in the exact same tone you talk to me - How is saying I'm going to talk to you like an adult condescending? I'm explaining my tone to you since you always want to take it as aggressive. Other people feel the need to pad their posts because they're scared of getting in trouble if they criticize staff, and I don't want to do that because it feels ingenuine - this isn't me talking down to you, it's just how I post.

This was negative from the start because this issue was ignored for over a month. That's not on me. That's on the lack of staff acknowledgment, and the extremely childish excuse of "I'm not going to post because people are (allegedly) dogpiling on me".

Which concerns haven't been heard? From what I've seen several legitimate concerns, such as WDYLL, have been acknowledged and even responded to. So please tell me what I'm distracting from by "acting like a bully", which is merely having an issue with an instance in exactly the same way as others have.
No one has ever gotten in trouble for disagreeing with the staff, and we are far more lenient than the average community in this regard. However, I think it's time for the both of us to let this thread resume its intended purpose, so I will send you a PM regarding my concerns here.
Can this thread be used to submit collectible ideas too? I would like to see more glow wands, as well as Blinky, Clyde, an ultra ball, and a great ball collectible.
imo, the solution is to drop the "effort" requirement, which is already so needlessly vague as to be useless, from future creative events

I mean generally people do put at least a modicum amount of effort into their submissions, and the top submissions prizing is imo usually enough of an incentive to really try

if someone wants to make a stick figure scribble and forgo potentially earning a top spot, then let them. literally none of this is worth a, quite frankly, subjective declaration of the merits of individual creative works
No one has ever gotten in trouble for disagreeing with the staff, and we are far more lenient than the average community in this regard. However, I think it's time for the both of us to let this thread resume its intended purpose, so I will send you a PM regarding my concerns here.
I didn't say they have, I said people fear it, which they do. It's either "I don't want to get in trouble" or "I don't think they'll care/respond". I don't know what communities you have been/are a part of but from where I'm at TBT is very unique in its aversion to both criticism and apology.

I'm kind of done with this, it's not going anywhere and it's clear you don't like when someone goes toe to toe with you. You may not like me and we may disagree on literally everything but as far as tone goes we are just holding up a mirror to each other while you insist I'm worse.

The only reason I stuck around is because I had a conversation with another staff member who (to no fault of their own) made me think staff might be improving with situations like these but sadly it looks like they were mistaken.

Spaceballs anyone? Just trying to add some applicable humor. 💖
Since this is an animal crossing forum, it would be cool to see the shop have new villager collectibles occasionally. I feel like there’s a lack of them and would like to see more.

Some of my favorites are Raymond, Chester, Dobie, Beau, etc…
edit: oops sorry if my post isn’t meant for this thread!
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As it pertains to the current collectible suggestions, I don't know if they'll want those here since there's an unofficial thread for collectibles we would come up with a few threads below this one. Feels like this thread pertains to larger issues and getting bogged down with specific collectible ideas would probably derail that.

...With that beloved, precious, amazing buddy Pietro keeps losing polls against other villagers (in 2018 to eventual winner Lucky, in 2020 to semifinalist Dom who went on to lose to the final winner Vesta, and in 2023 to eventual winner Stitches) and he needs his time in the spotlight someday. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.
As it pertains to the current collectible suggestions, I don't know if they'll want those here since there's an unofficial thread for collectibles we would come up with a few threads below this one. Feels like this thread pertains to larger issues and getting bogged down with specific collectible ideas would probably derail that.

...With that beloved, precious, amazing buddy Pietro keeps losing polls against other villagers (in 2018 to eventual winner Lucky, in 2020 to semifinalist Dom who went on to lose to the final winner Vesta, and in 2023 to eventual winner Stitches) and he needs his time in the spotlight someday. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.
Yes, I believe collectible suggestions can be discussed in the "Events & Collectibles General Discussion"
but I'm no mod
I had to step away from this yesterday, but I needed to echo the sentiment that publicly bringing up seliph’s reports, Jeremy, was entirely inappropriate and an abuse of your power. Say what you’d like about his tone—you don’t believe Chris’ actions were “inherently mean,” but truly, I hope you consider that what you said about seliph was about on par with how my entry was handled last month.

I’m twenty-five and I have been frequenting Animal Crossing forums since I was eight years old. I will always care a ridiculous amount about TBT—like, more than I can comprehensibly communicate. After all of this—even your dismissal-not-dismissal, Jeremy—I still love this place, and it’s clear that seliph does, too. We wouldn’t be here if we didn’t.
As it pertains to the current collectible suggestions, I don't know if they'll want those here since there's an unofficial thread for collectibles we would come up with a few threads below this one. Feels like this thread pertains to larger issues and getting bogged down with specific collectible ideas would probably derail that.

...With that beloved, precious, amazing buddy Pietro keeps losing polls against other villagers (in 2018 to eventual winner Lucky, in 2020 to semifinalist Dom who went on to lose to the final winner Vesta, and in 2023 to eventual winner Stitches) and he needs his time in the spotlight someday. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.
I am in agreement that collectible suggestions belong in the other aforementioned thread but please for the love of Pokémon can the Pokeball be updated to match the other ball backgrounds
Then again, the staff may not accept collectible ideas outside events like the collectible design contests, but they do like collectible ideas.