The Official Feedback Thread

I was actually thinking it would be cool if they took inspiration from that thread (If you had to come up with a collectible, what would it be?) and give credit to the person who posted there if they decide to use the idea.

I’d like to see a shoutbox be created on this site. There’s one on ZD Forums, but I’m banned from it until November. (Don’t ask why. It’s a really long story. I’m also on indefinite hiatus from that site. If any of you use ZD Forums, please let everyone know about it.)

A shoutbox works like this: It’s basically a chat room where you can write public messages. Sort of like a stream. I want it to be the exact same. The only thing I’d change is restricting any mean comments or cyber bullying. On the ZD shoutbox, people could type whatever they want and face zero consequences. Even if they were being rude/mean. (Someone once called me “Cetoddler” as a rude name. Not cool.) There are punishments if you do something extreme. Ex- an angry rant on why you hate Muslims and trans people. (Me- continuing to talk about a situation when the staff members asked me to stop.) But even with all of that, the shoutbox isn’t regulated. Some really messed up stuff can be discussed there. Ex.- Alcohol and shaving.

If you take my suggestion for a shoutbox, I want it to have stricter rules and be more regulated. A staff member should always be monitoring it. That way, if anyone makes a mean or rude comment, they can be immediately kicked off. Yup. That’s right. Strict rule I want- If you do anything inappropriate in the shoutbox, there will be consequences.

Another good reason for a shoutbox: People can ask simple questions about Animal Crossing without having to create a thread. The replies in the shoutbox are a lot faster as well. Whereas if you create a thread, it could take hours to get a reply.

Please take my suggestion into consideration. Thank you. :)
I had to step away from this yesterday, but I needed to echo the sentiment that publicly bringing up seliph’s reports, Jeremy, was entirely inappropriate and an abuse of your power. Say what you’d like about his tone—you don’t believe Chris’ actions were “inherently mean,” but truly, I hope you consider that what you said about seliph was about on par with how my entry was handled last month.

I’m twenty-five and I have been frequenting Animal Crossing forums since I was eight years old. I will always care a ridiculous amount about TBT—like, more than I can comprehensibly communicate. After all of this—even your dismissal-not-dismissal, Jeremy—I still love this place, and it’s clear that seliph does, too. We wouldn’t be here if we didn’t.
I wish I could say you were right but I really don't love this place lol, I haven't for a long time.

I love my friends and other users who are here, and I love forums in general and their lack of algorithms and I recognize their importance, but that's where it ends. I'd love if this place could become something I do love, but judging by the public staff responses and Jeremy's usual "you were a pissed off troll 8+ years ago and were too mean arguing in favour of trans/reproductive rights which justifies vilifying you forever" DMs there hasn't been much progress in years, and so in my eyes it's not gonna happen for a very long time if at all. As I mentioned earlier there was a glimmer of hope after talking with someone, and after hearing staff was taking our feedback seriously, and after seeing an official feedback thread. However now I feel like so long as people keep coming back and participating in events nothing is going to change in this regard - we're going to keep seeing unequal consequences for the same offence and we're going to keep seeing people being treated unfairly by staff, all without any real acknowledgement, because why admit your wrongdoings when there's zero consequences for you? 🤷🏻‍♀️
i am absolutely APPALLED and disgusted by what this thread has become. what in the ever loving hell is going on here?! in what universe is it appropriate for the owner of the forum to put a specific member on blast, publicly?!?! this is beyond anything i've ever seen happen on tbt and i am truly considering logging out and never coming back.

what chris did on valentine's day sucked, but it was just a mistake! ALL that needed to be said was "oops, i'm sorry, i misspoke. your art isn't low effort, we just hadn't considered this medium (the 3ds) and i'll need to discuss with other staff if we'll allow it." but that isn't what happened. instead, the insult was doubled down on. and you know what? THAT'S FINE. we're all human beings and we all mess up sometimes, we all say things we don't mean by accident or in frustration. but being a leader means HOLDING. YOURSELF. ACCOUNTABLE. sleepey expressed hurt IMMEDIATELY after chris's first response, but displayed absolutely zero aggression and simply asked to be messaged privately next time. all that needed to be done IN THAT MOMENT was an "oh, i'm sorry, i didn't mean it that way." i do not believe one single person here thinks chris was being intentionally cruel or malicious, but the reality is that it WAS.

this is not the first time this has happened and that's why i have to say something now even if it gets me banned. every single staff member is an adult and should be able to handle being called out when they hurt someone. i understand the feeling of being ganged up on or backed into a corner, but all ANYONE has been asking is for a simple apology for sleepey's sake. the fact that even in jeremy's post, there is no damn apology, is insane!!!! just say sorry!!!! it literally could not be easier!! when we as members get in trouble, we cannot fight for ourselves, we have no way to advocate for each other because we're isolated in CTS threads, and we have to accept our punishment without argument because y'all have already decided we did something wrong. but EVERY SINGLE TIME i've experienced a staff member saying something hurtful - which isn't even that often, either!!! - it is swept under the rug and the blame is shifted to us.

kai is RIGHT, and i for one am very glad that both he and mrbox said right away that they hadn't seen any aggression in this thread and only what you asked for - FEEDBACK. if chris has genuinely been harassed, that's not okay and i don't condone it whatsoever. but if you're only referencing posts in this and the other thread, there is no hostility here; there is only members of our community hoping to see a person in a leadership role take responsibility for a very simple mistake. as mog already said, we never would've gotten to this point if the problem has just been taken care of right from the start.

i have worked in retail management for over a decade. i have seen every type of bad leader imaginable. there is NOTHING more important as a leader that to have integrity and own up to your mistakes. this is a teeny tiny and absolutely ridiculous issue that has grown into a monster. and i'm sure it's not every staff member, you're not all a hive mind and in fact i've had some truly wonderful interactions with many of you! chris too!! but for the life of me i do not understand what has happened in this thread. you ask for feedback, then dump all over people who you've decided have spoken out of turn. NO ONE is asking for chris to be brought out and publicly whipped. i didn't and have never expected a public apology, i just hoped sleepey would get a private one so that they didn't feel shunned from all events from now on! we're not asking for anyone to grovel and beg for forgiveness.

oh, and for the record, i appreciate seliph's presence here, and i am not alone in that. just because someone is blunt and straightforward does not mean they are being rude for no reason. some real irony in that, seeing as you've defended chris doing the same exact thing. just because you don't want to hear it, doesn't mean it shouldn't be said. i think every staff member directly involved in this incident needs to take a step back, because the responses in this thread are wildly inappropriate and have crossed a line i never expected to see.
I also feel the need to echo feeling quite uncomfortable after reading Jeremy's replies to seliph— they come across as unprofessional and show a very clear bias which is severely off-putting, especially when it comes to the site owner responding publicly to a member. Airing dirty laundry and/or insinuating that they aren't liked by others was shocking to see, and it's the last way I would expect a staff member to treat a regular member. It's extremely disappointing to see this kind of behaviour from an authority figure.

I've read what Jeremy seemed to find rude, however I'm not seeing any specific instances of seliph being rude or being a "bully", and I certainly don't think he's by any means going to "ruin feedback for everyone." I've been reading his posts as straightforward, firm and constructive. After reading these interactions it just doesn't feel like we can truly be open with feedback.

Members like sleepey and seliph are giving criticism precisely because they care. I'd like to point out that seliph specifically has made an entire collectible spreadsheet that a huge portion of the community uses which was of their own volition, and has certainly aided many members over the years. Not just any member would take the time and effort to compile that sort of thing. You can still like/care for something while also wanting to see change and giving criticism to that very thing. It's not all black and white and there can be a lot of nuance. Criticism in particular usually stems from caring about something and/or wanting to see a change for the better.

I also don't think anyone had an issue with being asked to re-submit entries, but rather how the staff member in question handled it during the V-Day event. I know they said it wasn't their intention to embarrass sleepey, but sleepey's feelings were still hurt, and they also backtracked on previous statements after multiple members, including myself, spoke up about the situation. Making mistakes is only human, but what people are upset about is the lack of accountability and apology for this behaviour. It could have been as simple as a reply in the event thread at the time or a PM to apologize to sleepey personally. At this point, I'm sure most people aren't made about the staff member making a mistake, but rather the fact that they have not acknowledged sleepey beyond their initial replies in the event thread.

I would personally find leaders/staff who were willing to admit to their mistakes and apologize more reputable, down-to-earth, and human. I don't want to hold my breath and set my expectations too high, but I will sincerely ask the staff to reflect on current matters, especially in regards to both sleepey and seliph's recent treatment. I'm sure I'm not only speaking for myself when I say that this place doesn't feel like a safe space at the moment, but I care about the forums and hope for a better change in the future.
i heard about what was happening in this thread (as well as what happened last month) from a friend who likes to occasionally share what happens still in TBT after my having quit, as even though i've distanced myself from it, we still met on this website & so he likes to talk about it still at times. and i have to say. it's quite frankly appalling that the main thing that pushed me away from this forum (a frustrating lack of appropriate conduct from staff) is still this much of an issue three years later. upon review of both threads involved i cannot think of a single mean post from seliph. he has been firm, yes, very much so, but he has every right to be considering the situation at hand and the accountability and conduct requested of staff members. this entire situation could have been handled by offering sleepey, the person whose feelings were hurt (by what was a hurtful statement, whether intended or not), an apology in a timely manner. and one wasn't, which has led to mass user discontent. that's all there is to it. there are two sayings i think of here:

- "the road to hell is paved with good intentions";
- "impact always matters over intent".

whether it was meant to be cruel or not, telling someone something they put effort into is viewed as low-effort completely publicly is inappropriate, and arguing whether it was mean or not does not change the fact many users are viewing it as such, and that an apology should have been issued. that is what this entire situation is about at its core, and for the owner of the website's postings to devolve into attempting to villainise a user for trying to address this is frankly inappropriate as a user in power on this website that completely twists the situation. again: accountability requested of staff members.
oh, and for the record, i appreciate seliph's presence here, and i am not alone in that. just because someone is blunt and straightforward does not mean they are being rude for no reason. some real irony in that, seeing as you've defended chris doing the same exact thing. just because you don't want to hear it, doesn't mean it shouldn't be said. i think every staff member directly involved in this incident needs to take a step back, because the responses in this thread are wildly inappropriate and have crossed a line i never expected to see.
seliph has always been one of my favourite users on this website because of how he posts despite how he's being shamed for it here, that blunt and straightforward approach. we've never spoken personally, but i've always appreciated what they've had to say & their firm and level-headed approach to this forum and topics addressed on it, even after i've left (as again, my friend likes to share TBT happenstances and i always appreciate seeing seliph's part in them when i see he's contributed in whatever is being shared with me). frankly, it's something this forum needs more of and has always needed more of, even if staff - especially the owner of the forum - does not want to address it in an appropriate manner. a community cannot survive if those in charge of it refuse to handle feedback unless it caters to what they want to hear, or if they read malice into it when it's not there.

i don't use this site anymore. if i get banned for throwing my hat into the ring, so be it. i've few good memories left. but i wanted to say something anyway simply because this kind of thing is what chased me from the belltree forums - the site that introduced me to forums, which i love as a social media setup very dearly - to begin with, and it's deeply frustrating seeing it continue up to now.
I wanted to refrain from commenting again because I have no hope anymore.
But I wanted to say- I completely agree with Crash. Also Seliph's comments about wanting the staff members to act like adults have not been rude at all but was said with reason.

I hope the staff realizes how biased and ironic most of Jeremy's statements have sounded so far.
It's sad but the staff doubling down on being stubborn and flat out refusing to be accountable and ... just... missing the point just makes me realize things can't change here ( I have heard and read the threads from Space Camp and Holiday 2023) and this is just ... how it is.
Can we please stop arguing? This was a major issue on ZD, and I don’t want it to be here. Thanks. :)
i don't mean to be hostile, but the world does not revolve around you. this is a thread specifically for feedback about important things that are worth discussing for the sake of improving the community for everyone. if you're uncomfortable with that, there are a ton of other threads to participate in. this is literally the only active thread on the forum that contains any sort of argument. positive change is very rarely easy and will almost always result in discourse like this, but the only alternative is stagnation, which will inevitably lead us into TBT crashing and burning.

i'm sure you don't mean it this way, but your response comes off extremely dismissive of the discussion being had here. many of us have been here much longer than you and have thoughts worth sharing, as that is the reason this thread was created. please give us all the same respect you would like to receive if you were in our shoes. 🖤
It feels a bit telling to me that even an inactive user has logged on to voice their thoughts. This reminds me of a well-known member who also left about a year ago for the same/similar reasons that fairysyndrome mentioned. Before they left, they told me "I would encourage you to leave TBT, too. You deserve to be treated like a human being". This was coming from a member who had been extremely active and involved in the community for several years, and was one of the most generous people I knew on this forum. It still saddens me that they left, but at the same time, I could never blame them for it and knew it was for the best. Like I've said already, I still like this place and find it hard to see myself leaving permanently, but I would be lying if I said that the thought hadn't crossed my mind more recently, especially over the past few days.

I brought this up because it's truly a shame that members keep leaving over time for what seems to be same issue, and despite this fact, there doesn't seem to be any change. I can see member activity continuing to dwindle if we see no change and staff accountability. Even though I would like to stay, I have my limits, and don't know if I could bear seeing more members being treated the way others have been. I would also think that members leaving or feeling discouraged for similar reasons would be a sort of "wake-up call" for lack of a better word, because I can't possibly comprehend that the staff team find this to be a good sign. Having been a mod/staff myself on different platforms, I know that if I were in their shoes, I would certainly turn to myself and re-evaluate my own behaviour and actions, as well as the staff team as a whole.

Anyways, I hope my tone came across alright, as I don't want this to be misinterpreted. I voice this out of genuine concern and the want to see a positive change for the forums.
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Can we please stop arguing? This was a major issue on ZD, and I don’t want it to be here. Thanks. :)
Crash pretty much said everything eloquently, but yeah asking people to "stop arguing" on a thread meant for heavy discussion and improvement is just... not really helping anything or anyone. I've also seen some previous comments making light of the entire situation and it leaves a bad taste in my mouth because I don't think there's anything lighthearted about people being hurt over things and the overall lack of accountability despite the responses. With all due respect if you don't want to see heavy discussion then you can just go to any other thread on this forum. I know you and others mean good but I say this with all my heart, if you have no hat in the ring except for sending jokes or memes or trying to quell people from giving feedback then I'd ask to please take it elsewhere.

If you want feedback on your shoutbox, I feel it's not necessary (at least at the moment I guess?) because Discord for example has a very similar purpose. It's a chat, it's real time, it's regulated and monitored. TBT is an extremely small community and it's meant for longer discussion, plus I appreciate how it's a bit slower than chat sites.
Oh there’s always room for memes. 😏

I’ve been quiet in here for a couple reasons. Most importantly is that I’ve just been super busy with things at home. I’ve been trying to catch up, but I can’t because every time I log back on there’s another two pages of arguing. Everyone should really just take a deep breath. I know there are a lot of things everyone has taken personally, but none of this can improve if we don’t all stop this back and forth blame. 💖

Gonna try to bring this thread back to a place that is actionable. Not that discussion isn’t warranted, butttt we’re also pushing down everything we’d like to see improved with so much discussion.

1. Categories for art: digital and traditional - simple as that, save for the specific events that have 3D, paper, baked goods, etc.

2. Inventory sorting - better organization between inactive and active items. The colors between the two are too similar that it’s hard to tell which are active or not sometimes.

3. Store stock - other things more commonly stocked in the store besides flowers and birthstones. Someone suggested villagers, and low tier items, I think that’s a great start.

Let’s try this guys, pleaseee, help staff help us. 🙏🏼
I’ve been quiet in here for a couple reasons. Most importantly is that I’ve just been super busy with things at home. I’ve been trying to catch up m, but I can’t because every time I log back on there’s another two pages of arguing. Everyone should really just take a deep breath. I know there are a lot of things everyone has taken personally, but none of this can improve if we don’t all stop this back and forth blame. 💖

Gonna try to bring this thread back to a place that is actionable. Not that discussion isn’t warranted, butttt we’re also pushing down everything we’d like to see improved with so much discussion.

With all due respect watering this down to "arguing" and "back and forth blame" when a community feels insulted and abandoned by the authority figures who are supposed to be looking out for them does not help. We aren't "pushing down everything we'd like to see improved" when many of us have said repeatedly that staff responses and accountability are something we'd like to see improved. Please do not refer to this as if it's meaningless drama when it is not.
With all due respect watering this down to "arguing" and "back and forth blame" when a community feels insulted and abandoned by the authority figures who are supposed to be looking out for them does not help. We aren't "pushing down everything we'd like to see improved" when many of us have said repeatedly that staff responses and accountability are something we'd like to see improved. Please do not refer to this as if it's meaningless drama when it is not.
I definitely wasn’t trying to, I know there are a lot of things that have stung people’s hearts being discussed here, and that IS important. I’ve hard my heart sting like that before from people’s words and it sucks so bad. I’m more just trying to help…not make sure, that’s not the right words, but “make sure” we don’t forget that if we don’t keep things clear, it’s just going to be harder for everything to get sorted. ❤️

By pushing down I meant literally in the thread - I only say that because if I’ve found it hard to keep up with, I’m sure others have to. Thank you for replying though, Seliph, I appreciate it and I hope that helped communicate my intent! 💖💞💖
Oh there always room for memes, especially ones that should be heeded. 😏

I’ve been quiet in here for a couple reasons. Most importantly is that I’ve just been super busy with things at home. I’ve been trying to catch up m, but I can’t because every time I log back on there’s another two pages of arguing. Everyone should really just take a deep breath. I know there are a lot of things everyone has taken personally, but none of this can improve if we don’t all stop this back and forth blame. 💖

Gonna try to bring this thread back to a place that is actionable. Not that discussion isn’t warranted, butttt we’re also pushing down everything we’d like to see improved with so much discussion.

1. Categories for art: digital and traditional - simple as that, save for the specific events that have 3D, paper, baked goods, etc.

2. Inventory sorting - better organization between inactive and active items. The colors between the two are too similar that it’s hard to tell which are active or not sometimes.

3. Store stock - other things more commonly stocked in the store besides flowers and birthstones. Someone suggested villagers, and low tier items, I think that’s a great start.

Let’s try this guys, pleaseee, help staff help us. 🙏🏼
The discussion is relevant to Jeremy's latest "Effort Rules" post and to his latest posts though. And I don't believe anyone is pushing anything down haha, if anything people are just voicing what they'd like to see improved.
I understand what you are trying to say though. Unfortunately, this is a discussion that is needed to make TBT a better place- even if it is making people uncomfortable.

I feel like Categories ( digital and traditional medium separation already exists), Inventory sorting and Store stock has been suggested in this thread and in the last one. Multiple people have mentioned that it would be nice so I'm sure the staff is considering it and discussing it amongst themselves to see if it's feasible!

And some things have yet to be posted by Jeremy so there is much to wait for!
  • Feedback and communicating with staff
  • Collectibles market
  • AI images on TBT
  • Hateful content and controversial content
  • Repeat winners and competitiveness
  • Event rules
  • Site staff
  • Miscellaneous
Oh there’s always room for memes. 😏
I'm really sorry, I know you mean good but genuinely I cannot see a scenario where a serious discussion should need funny memes or whatever. I've been in situations where I've felt hurt and defeated, and people repeatedly telling me I'm overreacting has led me to just bottle everything up. Because I always think, maybe I'm overreacting? Maybe my feelings are invalid? Maybe what I'm feeling is just plain stupid, and I should just laugh about it instead? This is literally the reason why it took me years before I went to therapy, because someone told me I'm just "too sensitive" and I don't need to be taken seriously. I was always afraid of the next person to be dismissive towards how I feel. I know you don't mean this, but words have meanings, and people are allowed to be hurt by said words.

All I want to say is, and this is directed to everyone, please don't be tone deaf, and read the room if you can. I know a lot of people have a hard time reading the room (myself included), but if people kindly asked not to do or say certain things because they're hurtful, I would listen if it's reasonable. I've also been posting outside this thread because I am also someone who needs silly and whimsy beyond this feedback thread. I'm not asking people to entirely stop with being lighthearted, I'm just asking to take it elsewhere.

Really sorry if I come off as strict. I was just hoping this place would be a more constructive thread instead of allowing it to devolve into another "drama" for the history books.
The discussion is relevant to Jeremy's latest "Effort Rules" post and to his latest posts though. And I don't believe anyone is pushing anything down haha, if anything people are just voicing what they'd like to see improved.
I understand what you are trying to say though. Unfortunately, this is a discussion that is needed to make TBT a better place- even if it is making people uncomfortable.

I feel like Categories ( digital and traditional medium separation already exists), Inventory sorting and Store stock has been suggested in this thread and in the last one. Multiple people have mentioned that it would be nice so I'm sure the staff is considering it and discussing it amongst themselves to see if it's feasible!

And some things have yet to be posted by Jeremy so there is much to wait for!
Thank youu! I’m glad you understand what I was trying to say ❤️ and I appreciate the summary! I just kinda gave up trying to catch up. I’ve seen a few things people have suggested but figured it didn’t hurt to list my personal suggestions, if if they’ve already been given. More tallys next to each one, right? 😂
Oh there’s always room for memes. 😏

I’ve been quiet in here for a couple reasons. Most importantly is that I’ve just been super busy with things at home. I’ve been trying to catch up, but I can’t because every time I log back on there’s another two pages of arguing. Everyone should really just take a deep breath. I know there are a lot of things everyone has taken personally, but none of this can improve if we don’t all stop this back and forth blame. 💖

Gonna try to bring this thread back to a place that is actionable. Not that discussion isn’t warranted, butttt we’re also pushing down everything we’d like to see improved with so much discussion.

1. Categories for art: digital and traditional - simple as that, save for the specific events that have 3D, paper, baked goods, etc.

2. Inventory sorting - better organization between inactive and active items. The colors between the two are too similar that it’s hard to tell which are active or not sometimes.

3. Store stock - other things more commonly stocked in the store besides flowers and birthstones. Someone suggested villagers, and low tier items, I think that’s a great start.

Let’s try this guys, pleaseee, help staff help us. 🙏🏼

2. Yes!! Also, folders would be helpful and nice.
3. This would also be nice and give the store more of a year round purpose. Some lower tiered collectibles could be on seasonal rotation too. This would also help with the dreaded date limitations on lineups and encourage swapping in the market more.
Hi, hi! I’ve been absent for a while for reasons beyond the scope of TBT, but I’ve been following this thread and wanted to chime in because I love TBT. I believe all of you posting (and those observing) ultimately do, too. And for those observing who perhaps feel too afraid, anxious, uncomfortable, or stressed to chime in because of its nature, I see you, and I’m sorry you're experiencing that. But I want you to know it's OK to share your feedback.

All your feelings of frustration, hurt, confusion, anger, and hopelessness are valid. Thank you for sharing them.

As a few of you have pointed out, we are humans. We have emotions, we make mistakes, we get caught up in things, we do and say not-so-nice things sometimes, and we have differing opinions to share. That’s OK.

One of the reasons I don’t have active social media accounts is that I often see others 'ganging up' on one another and how quickly a game of ‘telephone’ can start where reality starts to blur. I find that incredibly sad. Some of that has transpired here on both sides, and I can understand why some of you and my fellow staff members take a step back. It’s not a good feeling.

With this in mind, I want to note that accountability is a shared responsibility. I’ll go first. I encourage you to consider taking a step back and doing the same as we try to move forward.

I flat-out said something like “Please save your feedback for the end of Space Camp” in my quarters. I intended to try and cool things down quickly as this conflict was happening during my wedding (I was stressed,) but I recognize the opposite and negative effect this had. As much as I want to help and host events, there are times when I can’t.

To my Galaxolotls, I apologize for not being there for you and not creating a brave space. You felt unheard, dismissed, sour, and you have every right to be. As staff, moving forward, one of our goals aligns with the purpose of this thread: to give you a space to openly, and respectfully share how we can improve our community moving forward

There have also been times when I viewed a CTS thread or report and did not respond or action it as quickly as I should have because I had no idea how to even begin with it. There was uncertainty, hostility, and fear. Moving forward, I know that I can count on my fellow staff members anytime to act as a sounding board to try and resolve things as quickly and appropriately as possible. We want to be present for our community

We’ve messed up in the past. There are things we could have done better, and things we should have done sooner, and there will very likely be times when we mess up in the future. This is true for all of us. However, we can choose to approach communication more constructively and with kindness, humility, and understanding toward each other. Again, we're human.

We want this community to be one you enjoy being a part of. While it’s impossible to guarantee a “safe” space, we want to foster a place where you feel comfortable posting, participating in events and games, and interacting with staff (CTS and otherwise). We will continue to try to improve and build trust. This is why the feedback thread was created—to hear your perspectives on how we can make TBT better. This is also a shared responsibility.