patent pending
Gates are open! Just remember not to run :3 I'll be in the garden area, so go ahead and look around ^ ^
Could I please come to someone's town to get signatures for Wolfgang? I'll try to be quick!
Could I please visit someone's town to get signatures for Kyle? : )
You may visit mine! Let me just finish a trade and I'll open my gates
Thank you! n__n Take your time.
Sorry I took so long qAq ready when you are~! <3
That sounds familiar, haha!Just a word of warning, my town is a mess and I'm in the middle of cycling villagers/some very hectic timetravel out so watch your step!
Gates open!
Hello! I need signatures, who can help?
I'll help
thanks! addin you now, i ll be right over
Bill needs some signatures! Anyone wanna help? c:
Come on over to Starlark! Adding you now and checking around for the villagers today