I'm available for the next while if anyone needs to get signatures.
I need some signatures, but I wont be able to get online for about an hour or so.
Let me know if you can help, and I'll PM you when I'm home and got internet to do this thang.
Sweet dude, thank you!I'm confident I'll be around. Yeah, PM me.
Yo. I'll add your friendcode, when your friendcard pops, I'll open my gates.
Yo. I'll add your friendcode, when your friendcard pops, I'll open my gates.
I added you! :3 Ready when you are.
There was an error. :cSorry @_@ irl ... stuff. Gates should be open now. ^^;
Anyone willing to let me get signatures?
Pashmina needs signatures for the No More Makeup petition! ^^ Is anyone available? :?
I am! :3
Oh sweet thanks! I have your fc added! ^^
oops sorry I didn't see this, Adding you now and opening my gates! :3