The Official Villager Signature Thread!

I need some signatures for Avery by the end of the night! Anyone willing to help out? FC: 0490-5064-8238
I'll let anyone come into my town if they let me come over after it for signatures too! Anyone interested in a signature trade? :3
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I've finally gotten my 3DS and AC:NL back! This means I'll be able to help you all with your signature needs, starting as soon as I can clear out all this junk and mess! I forgot that I left the place so messy..

Anyways, once you see my status on the main post cleared up, you'll be able to request my assistance for signatures~ So keep on the look for that!

In the meantime, I hope things are going well for you all and I hope you're having a great halloween season! May you accumulate many candies and lollipops for Jack!

(Also, don't forget to consider joining the commons list!)
Looks like I need 6 signatures for Nana's "Read 100 Books a Year" petition! Anyone up for it?
I have my signatures~
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Is anyone able to help me get some signatures for Tammy's petition? It's to make Mandatory Snack Time and I for one definitely relate!

I'm GMT and online for the next couple hours if someone is able to help me out that would be amazing.
Hi! Can I get signatures for Freckles' "Sleep-In Sundays" petition? I think we can all get behind her cause. I'll be on later tonight if that works for anybody.
You can come to mine, added you! :blush:

Omg, my petition turned into scrap paper! QQ I totally forgot when I received it!
Sorry, and thank you for the help though! I'll contact you if I get another one!
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Is there anyone available to open up their gate and help Blanche with the "No More Anchovies" petition? I need 5 more sig :D