The out of context quotes thread

*Mordecai and Rigby arrive back at home*

"Did you get the game?"

"Yeah, it's right here."

"Cha-Cha Shake Extreme Mode? I don't know about this one, Rigby..."

"Pshhht, it's probably just some kiddie game that's easy to beat."

*Rigby plugs it into the TV and turns it on, and Mordecai and Rigby are both immediately transported to the top of Mt. Everest*


"Uh, Rigby..."

"Now start DANCING!"

"SLIDE down the mountain to the left!"

*Mordecai and Rigby slide all the way down the mountain to the left*

"SLIDE down the mountain to the right!"

*Mordecai and Rigby slide all the way down the mountain to the right*


*Mordecai and Rigby switch places twice and then climb all the way back up the mountain*


*dancing music continues to play*


*Mordecai and Rigby jump*


*Mordecai and Rigby jump two times*



*Mordecai and Rigby look at each other with terrified expressions before slowly but surely jumping again and again as several hours to days pass*


*The game master takes a whip and whacks Mordecai with it as he screams*

"RIGBY, I thought you said this was going to be an easy-to-beat kiddie game!"

"That's what I THOUGHT! I didn't think it was going to try and kill us!"
*Mr Hollywood is dressed like Tarzan and the Little Dog are dressed as a monkey*
“Okay, I’m going to jump off this cliff and swing on this vine. You find something to hold onto and DON’T LET GO! Okay?”
*Little Dog bites down on the loincloth*
*Mr Hollywood jumps and the camera stays on the Little Dog and the loincloth is heard ripping off and stays in the Dog’s mouth as he is left behind. Mr Hollywood then scoots back into the screen covering himself with his hands and faces the Little Dog*
“Heh heh heh. Well wasn’t that cute? BUT IT’S-!”
*Mr Hollywood lets go of his hands to reveal a pineapple defying gravity and covering his nudity. The Little Dog gets very excited*
*Little Dog rips off the pineapple and Mr Hollywood quickly covers himself with his hands just as it happens and he looks extremely embarrassed*
Oh, Grampa, you’re not busy, are you?

Well, you’re really asking two questions there. The first one takes me back to 1934. Admiral Byrd had just reached the pole, only hours ahead of The Three Stooges.
I’m tired of being an issue, Bart. Maybe everyone would be better off if I just quit.

But if you quit, it’d be like an expert knot tier quitting a knot tying contest right in the middle of tying a knot.

Why’d you say that?

I don’t know. I was just looking at my shoelaces.
Uh, hey, Simpson. What are you doing out here?


Nothing? Doesn’t look like nothing.

Oh, yeah? Well… um… what are you doing out here?

Uh… also nothing.

Well… okay.


Then carry on.

All right, we will.
Miss Lucy had a steamboat, the steamboat had a bell. Miss Lucy went to Heaven and the steamboat went to.…”
(Homer gasps)

HELLO operator, get me number 9, and if you disconnect me, I'll chop off your be….”
(more gasps)

-HIND the 'frigerator, there was a piece of glass, Miss Lucy sat upon it and it cut her big, fat….”
(Homer gasps, then passes out)
Well, cadets, it’s been a great year. You’ve all worked very hard developing academic skills and general killing skills.

*whispering* My killing teacher says I’m a natural.

All bubble blowing babies will be beaten senseless by every able bodied patron in the bar.​

I know this is old, but the thread brought me directly to this one. I kept having to reread it because I thought it said eaten and not beaten lol. Like some giant would just chomp on them in oldschool cartoon violence fashion.

Hey, it worked!
Are you sure?
Yes, I'm sure...You go first.
Warning: out of dark matter fuel.

That’s not a warning. A warning is supposed to come before something bad happens.

Warning: engines will shut down in one second.

That’s more like it.
“Everyone has something they don’t like about themselves. I don’t like how skinny I am. In fact I broke the scale to say that I’m ten pounds heavier just to make myself feel better.”
*Coco suddenly becomes happy at hearing things and leaves the room smiling. Frankie then starts eating the bag of chips Coco left behind*
“Man, I wish that was true!”
I know this is old, but the thread brought me directly to this one. I kept having to reread it because I thought it said eaten and not beaten lol. Like some giant would just chomp on them in oldschool cartoon violence fashion.

Hey, it worked!
Are you sure?
Yes, I'm sure...You go first.

I loved the original 2004 SpongeBob movie. It's one of my both blurriest and earliest memories. I don't remember much of the actual screening, but I do remember they had costumed pirates sitting in the front row of the theatre.

Then I caught it on replays a dozen times at home. That bubble blowing bar scene is forever ingrained into my head.