The out of context quotes thread

"Alright, let's watch the ball drop."

"Peter, I want to go to bed... it's late."

"NO, Lois, as a peoples who celebrates the new year, we got to wait and watch the ball drop."

*a few minutes pass and Lois starts shaking uncontrollably*

"P-Peter, I think I'm having a heart a-attack!!"

"SHHH, it's almost here!"

*Lois passes out*

"3...2...1... HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!"

*Peter grabs Lois's body, gets into the car, and drives to the hospital*

"Tell me doctor Hartman, is my wife gonna be okay?"

"Well, Peter, I have good news and bad news. The good news is that your wife survived. The bad news is that, due to complications of the heart attack, she can no longer use her vocal chords. In other words, your wife is now mute."

*Lois glares at Peter as he sheepishly grins*

"Help me.... please help me.... mmmmmmmmmmm"

*Peter begins chanting as he holds his hands out*

"What the hell are you doing?"

"Shh! I'm trying to contact the ghost of new years past!"
I'm afraid we're going to need a bigger place.

No we won't. I've got it all figured out. The baby can have Bart's crib, and Bart can sleep with us until he's 21.

Won't that warp him?

My cousin Frank did it.

You don't have a cousin Frank.

He became Francine back in '76. Then he joined that cult. I think his name is Mother Shibubu now.
I'm gonna blow up the print, Spielberg!

Your persistence surprises even me. Surely you don't think you can escape from this premiere.

That depends on how reasonable we're all willing to be. All I want are my friends.


Except for Cartman, you can keep him.

"Besides, I— I thought we were friends."

"Yeah, well... You shouldn't have been such a mean captain, then."

*walks away while sad music plays in the background*

"Don't worry, Leela. Soon, we'll be able to look back on this and laugh."

*walks out of the room in a few steps and starts laughing insanely*
What did you say?!

I just called Cartman a name- he's a, he's a silly goose.

You do not say “big silly goose”! You call him an ******* like a normal kid!
"Okay, everyone says on this page that we gots to cuts out them 'carcobydrates'."

"Yeah, no mores of them 'carbokygrates'."

"What are 'carcomymrites'?"

"Oh, y'know, like uh... 'Pisgetti'..."


"Uh, paper towels..."

"Kleenex, napkins."

"Oh, that's easy, no more of that stuff."