The out of context quotes thread

"Okay guys, I really, really don't wanna promote auto-erotic asphyxiation, okay?"

"Gahhh, live a little bit!"

"It's an embarrassing death. You always have to color it differently in the media."

"I think it's an awesome death."

"****ing badass death!"

"Yeah, it's better than blowing up in a space shuttle!"
"I've followed you to this hot chocolate factory, Two-Face, and THIS TIME, I'm bringing you downnnnn...!"

"Not so fast, Batman! Your fate lies in a flip of this coin. Heads, you live. Tails, YOU DIE."

*flips coin*

"Huh, DEATH!"

*Batman lunges at Two-Face and accidentally pushes him into the steamer*


*now in the hospital*

"I'm sorry, Harvey..."

"Don't call me Harvey, call me by my new name.... Three-Face! This is my three-sided die. One, you live. Two, YOU DIE! Three, we drink hot chocolate together."

*rolls the die*

"Ah-hah, looks like you're gonna three-sided DIE!"

*Harvey lunges at Batman, but misses and injures his face again*


*Now on top of a building*

"Three-Face, I'm really sorry about the hospital..."

"Call me by my real name... FOUR-FACE! I'm holding four straws in my hand. If you choose the shortest one, YOU DIE. If you choose the longest one, you live! The other two will determine whether I throw bleach on your costume or we drink hot chocolate together."

"Alright, Four-Face, I'll play your game."

*Batman carefully draws a straw and now they're both drinking hot chocolate together*

"Oh, ooo, this is really good hot chocolate."

"Mmm, the soup's not bad either."

"Ooo wait, can I try some?"


*but it's too late as Harvey burns his face again*

“Well, who’d have thought?”
“Well bless my soul.”
“Well, who’d have known?”
“Well, who indeed?”
“Who would have guessed they’d commit murder in the snow?”
“It’s so peculiar.”
“Wait and see a few days more
Cause when they’re dead we won’t have masters anymore.”
”Svetlana…looks like you pulled her out of a drain. Like a shower drain. You know, hair and dirt and clumps of hardened shampoo.“
“Mildew, dead skin, just like... you know, oils from the conditioner that have congealed and turned black inside the drain.”
“Yes. I am familiar with this drain.“
“But... ten dollars cheaper. Ah, this is tough!“
I can't believe you bought that plow, we can't afford it!

If you're gonna get mad at me every time I do something stupid then I guess I'll just have to stop doing stupid things!


Fine! I'll never ever do another stupid thing! Good night!

*walks into car door*