The out of context quotes thread

*Link starts stabbing the air with nothing in his hand*
“Uhhhh what are you doing?”
“I’m trying to kill you!”
“But you don’t have a sword! How did you get to this point without a weapon?!”
“With my bashing board!”
*Link lifts up his Shield*
“That’s a shield. Its purpose is purely for defense….”
*Link starts smashing the shield into Ganon until he is defeated*
“Works for me!”
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This bird's gonna fly!

(jumps out window)
"Hey! I told you to take this garbage out last week!"

"I did! I took it out to the movies, then I took it out to a nice romantic dinner, then I took it out to the amusement park..."


"B-but we're in love!"
This is from the first Dog Man book, right?
How often do you brush, Ralph?

Three times a day, sir.

Why must you turn my office into a house of lies?

You're right. I don't brush. I don't brush. *starts crying*

Let's look at a picture book. The big book of British smiles.

(after seeing a few)

That's enough! That's enough! *starts crying*
“Ladies and gentlemen, here to sing the national anthem, Carrie Underwood!”
*Chuck is wheeled onto the baseball field with a feather boa wrapped around his neck and starts singing the national anthem extremely off key. The camera then cuts to Carrie tied up and gagged*
“Miss Underwood’s voice sounds pretty rough today but boy does she look as stunning as ever!”
Fool me once, shame on you Failboat, shame on you. Fool me twice, that's my bad, I should have seen that coming. Fool me three times, I'm feeding you dryer sheets.
All right, I've had just about enough of this! They told us in school, and on TV, that most people in Pakistan and Afghanistan like America.

And you believe it? It is not just the Taliban that hates America. Over a third of the world hates America!

But why? Why does a third of the world hate us?

Because you don't realize that a third of the world hates you!

(realizes that really doesn't make any sense) …That doesn't make sense. You guys are just buttholes!

You're buttholes!

You're buttholes!
"Morpeko's expression is as frightening as ever! It's a cyclone of rage and hunger as it devours droves of spongecakes!"


"As the gym leader of Driftveil City...


I can confirm this happens on a daily basis."
“Dunsparce used Glare on Moltres.”
“Then Moltres used Sky Attack.”
“But Jessie, I don’t even know what a Sky Attack looks like.”
“Oh just do anything!”
*James throws Meowth dressed as Dunsparce upwards and screaming into the air*
Whoa boy, I apologize. My hormones are going nuts! Now please… if you would… get the *elephant sound* out of my way. I mean how many times do I gotta *school bell* write “ice cream” on this *rubber ducky sound* list before someone gets his *horse whinnying* in gear and brings home *owl hoot* ice cream? MAYBE I SHOULD GET A STEAK KNIFE AND ETCH IT IN YOUR MOTHER *pop* FOREHEAD! HOW HARD CAN IT *squeaking* BE?! ICE MOTHER *drum solo* CREAM! I GUESS THAT'S THE PRICE I PAY FOR LIVING WITH TWO *phone ringing* MORONS! (leaves room)

What happened to courtesy? Did it just… disappear?
"What are you ****ing doing?! Are you gonna throw a basket of hot towels at me?!"

"Yes, I'm gonna throws a basket of hot towels at you!"

"Well, I don't think you should!"

"Why not?"

"Because those towels are really hot! Don't ****ing throw hot towels, you lunatic!"