The Perfect Fruit Exchange (ACNL)

Needing some perfect oranges! Diana wants an orange :eek:
I have around 180 perfect cherries, or 20 baskets.
Anyone ever needing any perfect pears, PM me. I've got a ton. c:
Ahh, I've had villagers ask for fruit but do they specifically ask for perfect ones? or if you bring them a perfect one when they ask for a normal one what is the benefit?
Ahh, I've had villagers ask for fruit but do they specifically ask for perfect ones? or if you bring them a perfect one when they ask for a normal one what is the benefit?
they like you a lot more.
there's also a chance they'll give you their pic.
they like you a lot more.
there's also a chance they'll give you their pic.

Thank you for being helpful and not jumping on me for throwing a question in this thread. I figured you guys would know and there was no need for a separate thread. Thanks again
I have lots of PERFECT PEARS for trade. Looking for all types of fruit. PMing me would be faster! Thanks <3
Hi would anyone on here be willing to sell me some perfect cherries? :)
I have lots of perfect peaches I'm willing to trade for any other perfect fruit.
I've planted a perfect cherry a few times in the past but every time it grows into a regular cherry tree :( am I doing something wrong?

Hi I was wondering if you'd please trade me a basket of your perf peaches for a basket of my perf apples? I'm trying to get some for my friend, that has peaches as her native fruit but hasn't ever gotten any perf peaches. Thanks!
Looking for any/all perfect fruit bushels besides apples ~ You can have a couple stacks of my perfect apples if you want!
I have a million perfect peaches and no other fruit is perfect but the only fruit I'm missing that's not perfect is the pear!