The Perfect Fruit Exchange (ACNL)

I'm looking for bushels of perfect fruit! One of each except pears. I don't have fruit to trade, but I can pay in bells! Let me know if you'd like to sell!
I am seeking about 2 or 3 baskets full of every perfect fruit EXCEPT apples.
I have about 20 basket fulls of perfect apples so I have plenty to do trades with.
Send me a PM if you are interested in trading!
Currently looking for Perfect apples, oranges, and peaches! I have a lot of perfect cherries.
I could use some Perfect cherries in exchange for perfect oranges. Only a few though, I don't have many. 3 for 3?
Can I come sell some p. peaches at anyone's town? I'll give you some extra for your troubles.
i have perfect peaches and im looking to trade for 1 basket of the following

perfect oranges
perfect apples
perfect cherries
perfect bananas
perfect coconuts
perfect durians
perfect persimmons
perfect lemons
perfect everything but peaches
i dont even know if all the fruit is perfect but if you got it i want it trade it flaunt it peaches bonanas awesome
just pm me pls :]
Still looking for perfect cherries. I can pay bells or perfect apples! Please PM me, thanks!
PM me if you'd like to trade for a full basket of Perfect Oranges :)
Willing to take in any of the other full basket Perfect fruits in the ratio of 1:1 (1 whole basket)
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Hey all!

I have perfect pears that I'm looking to trade for perfect cherries or oranges. (I'll also buy these fruit, if you'd be interested)

Let me know! Thanks :)
I currently have 2 bushels of perfect cherries and am happy to trade for any other kind of fruit! (I'm also happy to trade in smaller amounts than nine fruits)