I'm looking for a basket of perfect pears, since a friend of mine took my first perfect pear from my town without my permission, and planted it in their town which was not a pear town. Basically, my chance at a perfect pear orchard was wasted on a silly mistake of a friend. I have a couple perfect oranges, given to me by a friend, and I also can get loooooads perfect cherries from my boyfriend's town. :3
I have perfect oranges I can exchange. My orchard is small right now because I just bought a new acnl game so I can mess around with it. I need more fruit!
I can trade perfect pears and perfect peaches. I'm looking for perfect apples and perfect oranges. Plus one rotten apple. The peaches come from my second town, which is in May at the moment and because I want Ruby in my main I can't TT. So if that's an issue I'll transfer the perfect peaches to my main town first.
I have a buttload of perfect apples but I want to trade. Anything but an apple. Maybe peaches, oranges, cherries....idk. c: Let me know how many baskets you can trade and I'll see if I can't match it. ;3
would anyone be interested in trading me a basket of 9 perfect oranges and peaches for perfect pears and/or apples? I also have a rotten pear laying around.
Edit: Please PM or leave a visitor message if you're interested in trading. I also dont mind buying the fruit if you're not interested in my offers.