The Perfect Fruit Exchange (ACNL)

i have almost 30 baskets of perfect cherries, vm me if you'd like to buy or trade~
I have more than 60 bushels of perfect apples if anyone wants to trade for any other perfect fruit! Just pm me how much you want to trade, but please make it more than just 2-3 bushels since trading takes time. Thanks.
I've just gathered about 6 bushels of Perfect Cherries. I'd like to do a one-for-one for each of the other fruit types, but I'm primarily looking for the Apples and can do a one-for-one for as many of those as we can. Thanks!
Hey, I have a question.
How do you grow perfect fruit? Is it just random?
I got one once, but it was at the very beginning and I gave it away as a birthday present cause i was broke.
I have 30+ bushels of perfect Apples, willing to trade bushel per bushel to any other perfect fruits
I have 70+ full baskets of perfect pears if anyone would like to trade for other perfect fruit (except peaches)! Just send me a message :blush:
I have a basket of perfect oranges to trade for another basket of perfect fruit if anyone is interested? Message me :)
I have perfect pears to trade for any other perfect fruits. Can also offer belles, hybrids, and a moody painting
Could anyone trade me one basket of perfect oranges for some perfect peaches? I don't actually have peaches yet but Static just asked for one today!
I want to trade perfect oranges for perfect apples. PM me if you're interested :)
I have perfect apples :) just PM me and we can work out a time to trade :)


Also trading perfect apples for any other perfect fruits :D
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I have perfect oranges c: Probably about 6-7 baskets of them. My asking price is between 20-27k per basket uwu
Also trading bamboo shoots for flower hybrids c:
Trading perfect cherries for any other perfect fruit~ PM me if interested

Edit: traded~
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