Senior Member
I have 12 full baskets of Perfect Pears. I'm hoping for someone to have a Premium on Perfect pears so I can sell them. PM me if you're interested (I'm here at 11 CDT).
I have a lot of baskets of perfect pears. Looking for perfect apples and perfect oranges. Hoping to get 9 baskets each. PM me if you're interested
I've looked through like ten pages and it seems like no one has perfect peaches ; ___ ;
I can trade perfect apples for perfect peaches in my cycling town x x;
Willing to pay bells for even 1 perfect peach ; - ;
I can give you a perfect peach ^ ^ No bells needed.
; A ; oh my goodness, thank you! Do you want the perfect apples? I can harvest a few bushels while cycling <:
You'll have to drop off a peach at my main town though, I don't have two DS's :<
I have bushels of perfect apples for trade to any perfect fruit bushels