The Perfect Fruit Exchange (ACNL)

I have 12 full baskets of Perfect Pears. I'm hoping for someone to have a Premium on Perfect pears so I can sell them. PM me if you're interested (I'm here at 11 CDT).
Looking for perfect pears.

I have perfect oranges and perfect apples to trade~
I've got a few baskets of perfect cherries to trade, looking for any other basket of perfect fruit ~ PM me if interested
I've got nearly 100 baskets of Perfect Apples that I need to sell in a town that has them on premium, or alternatively trade for another type of Perfect fruit (Preferably all of the same kind!) so that I can simply sell those in my own town when I get them on premium some day. Thanks.
My Re-Tail has perfect pears on premium today, if anyone needs to sell them!

ALSO I'm looking for perfect oranges, even one will do! I planted my native one too close to my house. ;_;
I have a lot of baskets of perfect pears. Looking for perfect apples and perfect oranges. Hoping to get 9 baskets each. PM me if you're interested :)
I have a lot of baskets of perfect pears. Looking for perfect apples and perfect oranges. Hoping to get 9 baskets each. PM me if you're interested :)

I have perfect oranges . . . Wanna visit my town or I visit yours? I'm new to this game, but i'm not a idiot haha.
This is ridiculous.. I probably have 60 bushels of perfect pears e_e Please PM/VM me if anyone knows of anyone ANYwHERe with them on premium, willing to tip as much as needed. Thanks.
Looking for all perfect fruit except pears. Willing to trade baskets of pears or bells for them. PM me if interested.
I've looked through like ten pages and it seems like no one has perfect peaches ; ___ ;

I can trade perfect apples for perfect peaches in my cycling town x x;

Willing to pay bells for even 1 perfect peach ; - ;
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I've looked through like ten pages and it seems like no one has perfect peaches ; ___ ;

I can trade perfect apples for perfect peaches in my cycling town x x;

Willing to pay bells for even 1 perfect peach ; - ;

I can give you a perfect peach ^ ^ No bells needed.
I can give you a perfect peach ^ ^ No bells needed.

; A ; oh my goodness, thank you! Do you want the perfect apples? I can harvest a few bushels while cycling <:

You'll have to drop off a peach at my main town though, I don't have two DS's :<
; A ; oh my goodness, thank you! Do you want the perfect apples? I can harvest a few bushels while cycling <:

You'll have to drop off a peach at my main town though, I don't have two DS's :<

That's fine ^ ^ Just lemme finish a trade with someone else.