The Perfect Fruit Exchange (ACNL)

Need lots of perfect peaches please help I will pay just name your price!

Edit:got some
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Is anyone interested in perfect apples? I have a lot of them,lol. Any other perfect fruit is fine ! Preferably peaches ^^
I have perfect cherries on premium. Please reply to the thread I created if you'd like to come over and sell.
Need all perfect fruit apart from Pears, Oranges, Peaches, and Cherries. :) PM me prices!
I'm looking to sell two full loads of perfect peaches in another town. Let me come over (2 trips) and I'll give you a stack for free.
Trading a few baskets of perfect cherries, PM if interested
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I'd like to sell my perfect cherries, I haven't got any bells and I really need them for turnips. :( Please PM me if I can come over to your town
Hi, all. I've got bushels of perfect cherries that I'd like to trade for bushels of perfect apples and oranges. PM me, please!
have 5 bushels of perfect apples tradeing for Perfect Orenges
I have 126 bushels of perfect apples if anyone would like to trade! Just drop me a PM ♥
I have lots of perfect apples. about 50 baskets would like to trade them for cherries, oranges, pears or peaches please. if you like to trade please message me thanks :)
Looking for oranges. Perfect or regular, it doesn't matter (perfect will be nice though). Will trade perfect cherries, peaches or both.

PM, please.
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I've got plenty of perfect peaches, if anyone wants a basket, just PM me when you see me online and you can come pick it up for free :)
I've got plenty of perfect peaches, if anyone wants a basket, just PM me when you see me online and you can come pick it up for free :)

hi, i have a lot perfect apples, can i bring some to your town for exchange of perfect fruits?
thank you~