The Person Above Rolled a One

You warm the egg steadily for such a long period that you somehow manage to perfectly incubate it instead. You have a pet chicken now.

I try to fix my sleeping posture, but roll a one.
As soon as you begin doing something productive, you fall through a hole in time directly to the moment before you started doing something productive, and your memory is erased of ever falling through the rift! You are DOOMED to repeat this forever, never doing anything productive but attempting to!

I get married, but I roll a 1.
You have nightmares within nightmares within nightmares. When you finally wake up, you have doubts that you're truly awake; always unsure of your surroundings.

I try to do my laundry but I rolled a one!
The laundry becomes sentient and puts YOU and your family in the washing machine

I open a portal to the past, but roll a one.
The water you used to make the coffee (I'm assuming you're using a French press) wasn't hot enough and now you just have room-temperature coffee. You also used far too many coffee grounds, so it wound up terribly bitter (even with milk and sugar) and gives you the side effect of staying up until 5 am.
I try to sing a song, but I roll a one!
That song ended up being a demondicecalliope mori song and now i'm living inside peoples heads but no idea who the **** pays my rent lol.

i try to watch anime but i roll a one
The anime that airs ends up being some live action garbage that just is not appealing at all. The stage props are poorly-crafted and the actors don't even know how to voice their lines properly. It looks like some poorly dubbed old school Dragon Ball anime, only worse.

I try to make a good sandwich, but I rolled a one.
That sandwich happened to give an allergic reaction and now here i am lying in a hospital bed waiting for my amputation since i broke my leg so badly from sneezing so hard because that mustard i had something in it i have no ****ing clue what it was but something landed me here in the first place

I tried to play a video game and i rolled one
You end up playing Pong with no controller. How? I'm not sure.

I tried to make a delicious dinner, but I rolled a one.
Everything is burnt! How could you?

I tried to learn the ocarina but I rolled a 1.
You successfully made your pizza! Enjoy your Lunchable: Pizza With Pepperoni™️, now with all of the pepperoni and none of the pizza!

i open up acnh, but i rolled a one.