The Person Below Me...

Yes yes I do Even though I don't know you.

The person below me would do anything for a cookie. X3
I appear to people as a weirdo?! =( Oh well =P

Yush, I love cookies ^^

The person below me plays Mario Kart (Wii)
robo.samurai said:
weres da cookie?

da person below me is a rabit dragon bat!
Nope, sorry...

The person below me likes mint stuff.
Sorry I keep on getting in the way of other peoples questions/replies >.< hosting a kitty wedding in a year xP

The person below me has heard of the new wii sports game...
*whines* Thats a trick question! So my answer xP

The person below me hates trick questions.
no? lol

the person below me likes to take showers instead of baths
Yep eating it right now.....

The person below me thinks I'm kwellll.