The Person Below Me...

I feel very attacked right now.

The person below me is a procrastinator
Ah, yes.

The person below me has been to a zoo recently.

The person below me has eaten french fries with ranch dressing.
nope! i’m just about to head to bed, actually aha

person below me is excited for halloween
Not really in real life at least. I will be celebrating here on the forums and in ACNH. :)

The person below me likes candy corn.
Nope- i probably wont for a few hours cuz i had a good breakfast

The person below me has never eaten oysters 🦪
True. I'm not very much of a seafood fan, so most of it I haven't even tried.

The person below me is listening to music.
Are you psychic or something? Currently listening to the radio, so yes.

The person below me was once betrayed by a trusted acquaintance.