The Person Below Me...

Nope, I thought I did, though. I think I gave some away after I planned on leaving 🤔

The person below me joined this site after January 1, 2020
Barely. If I was a few years older I would be a millennial. Despite that I really can’t relate to the Tik Tok kids.

The person below me sleeps at a reasonable time.
Almost, I never had the GC one sadly, but I do own every main AC game since Wild World

The person below me is into anime
Nope, although I know a lot of people who are!

The person below me has made over 2,000 posts on TBT.
no because i'm basically a child and i have strawberry flavoured hello kitty toothpaste 😅
it's well nice to be fair

tpbm loves to draw
I do!! In fact I'm trying to become a character designer (or a videogame artist in general)

tpbm owns animal crossing amiibo cards
Yes! I like how vibrant and colorful the star fragment collectibles are. They've been detailed so nicely, plus the blue star fragment is my most favorite star fragment out of them all since blue is my all-time favorite color (I also like the pink star fragment too, the color is just so beautiful!).

Tpbm has been to an all-you-can-eat buffet.
yes but i feel bad when i do, because my parents will pay loads of money to take me to one however i don't tend to eat a lot 😅

tpbm has pokemon gym badges irl
i can't be the only person lol
Surprisingly no. Which is sad for the big Pokémon that I am. Well ok I’m not as big of one as I used to be but I still play all the games. I do have tons of Pokémon pins though none of them are badges.

The person below me is not at home right now.
nope, bees are lit so i just leave them alone and they don't sting me ☆

tpbm has held a snake before
that is a huge freaking lie, i LOVE sweets

the person below me has never been outside of their home state
Incorrect! However I've never traveled out of the US.

The person below me changed their profile picture within the last week.