The Person Below Me...

Afraid not. I don’t have enough patience to read. But, I once read the Red Queen series and liked it a good bit!

The person below me has watched one or more season of a Pokémon Anime.
yup, every episode from the diamond and pearl series to the sun and moon series
xy&z was the best imo but DP was a close second 💖

tpbm has played a professor layton game before
I have vague memories of playing Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box, but it was on someone else's DS so I only got to play the first few minutes.

The person below me still has a DS.
i have a few actually, like 3
my ds lite, dsi and 2ds xl ♡

tpbm owns or has owned a playstation
The person below me goes/went to a private school.
yeah, it's ok but i only enjoy it when my sister visits so we can play together

tpbm has been to disneyland
Nope. But I have been to Disneyworld in Florida.

The next poster is a lefty.

The person below me prefers gaming to drawing.
I do yeah, I've always enjoyed gaming (though growing up I didn't spend loads of hours on it) and there's always been a large choice of games to enjoy, also I'm not very good at drawing, I wish I was more artistic, so though it's relaxing I don't like it as much as gaming.

The person below me owns/has owned a pet fish
Yeah, I’ve done martial arts for over a decade. I haven’t been in awhile though because of the pandemic. I miss it so much :[

The person below me likes to cook.
I'd say I like to, not very good at it however...

The person below me wears mismatched socks on purpose.
Yes, both in real life and in racing games. I still have to wait for my driving license test though...

The person below me likes drinking tea.