The Person Below Me...

Yes, when I was in geoscience lab class in college, my professor took us (students) to hike in certain places. I had so much fun!

The person below me loves crepes.
I’ve only had one, but it was extremely good!

The person below me is currently at work/school.
Yep just got to work a few mins ago.

The person below me is dealing with a bunch of rain today.☔
Funny how you say that because it was raining for quite a while early in the morning!

The person below me has scented markers.
Slightly, I'm still a rookie at it.

The person below me has published a piece of written work before.
um, i suppose so? 😳 i wrote a paper about the romanticization of suicidal behavior through media.

the person below me has never played a game from the pokemon franchise.
heck yeah i do

The person below me has a pokemon plush toy
yup, i only have a few though and they're mainly tiny ones i won at an arcade 😅

tpbm owns or used to own an xbox
yup, i own the xbox 360 and xbox 1. i don't use them though unless my friend bugs me to play guitar hero.

the person below me can play an instrument and/or sing.
I could sing, but I haven’t taken lessons in a few years.

The person below me is double jointed
Not yet, but I'd like to start going soon, once things are in a better situation.

The person below me likes math.
nah, i google half the things i say just to make sure i spelled everything right lol

tpbm loves to watch anime