The Person Below Me...

Nope, the other way around actually lol

the person below me likes drawing
I don’t exact love to cook but I do cook sometimes.

The person below me got a new video game recently.
Heck yeah, I joke that it’s one of my many jobs. I’m currently writing a fanfiction series with one of my best friends.

The person below me has an important deadline at work/school this week
I hope not. Otherwise I'm in trouble.

The person below me has yet to start Christmas shopping?
Yes and no. I end up doing it on accident and then I sometimes forget what I'm doing.

The person below me loves pizza.
nope. i’ve only ever had cats haha.

person below me likes their current hair colour.
I wouldn’t say it’s best, but I like my handwriting.

The person below me has never broken a phone.
Yes, I’m very careful or at least I try to be.

The person below me likes/liked school.
I liked college, hated school

The person below me currently has a blister somewhere on their body.