The Person Below Me...

I have. I went to a hockey game.

The person below me likes spicy foods.
No, I donโ€™t need glasses.

The person below me prefers texting over phone calls.
100%, I'm an anxious bean and I never know what to say to keep conversations going. ^^'

The person below me collects action figures.
not action figures, but anime figures and nendoroids :3 sort of the same thing?

the person below me loves fried chicken
I do.

The person below me didnโ€™t get enough sleep last night.
Yes! (โยดโ—ก`โ)

The user below me had a medieval phase.
i donโ€™t. i took piano lessons years ago, but i could never get the hang of it ๐Ÿ˜… shame, since it really is a beautiful instrument. maybe iโ€™ll try again some day, or try a different instrument lol

the person below me is a morning person
Yes, very much.

The person below me doesnโ€™t like sweets all that much.
true, I have to be in the right mood

the person below me sunburns easily
Yup, I even got slightly burnt yesterday just walking to the shops.

The person below me is in their pyjamas.

The person below me has dyed their hair at least once.
i have! i dyed my hair purple for my 16th birthday, and then dyed it black a couple years later. iโ€™d love to dye it again one day - maybe blue or pink next time?

the person below me has a tattoo, or wants to get one