The Person Below Me...

No, I’ve actually never had a pet fish before.

The person below me is celebrating Valentine’s Day.
I’m celebrating it at work, lol. In other words, no, I’m not celebrating.

The person below me likes Starbucks.
I’ve never had it but also don’t have any interest in it

The person below me has short hair
short hair is really pretty but nope, not as of right now

the person below me is looking forward to something?
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Yeah, prolly small but I am looking foward to eating at a Korean BBQ place on Friday. Been since August. Please is freaking delicious.

The person below me likes eating from outside more than at home
If you're referring to eating in places other than home, not really. I tend to get carryout a lot.

The person below me frequently uses ear pods in public.
That is very correct, I have ADHD and I hate loud noises.

The person below me hates pineapple on pizza
Not really. I'm almost always right hand dominant. The only thing I can do better left-handed as far as I know is using a spatula to quickly take food off a tray.

The person below me is a good swimmer.
Yes! I was actually starting to train to do lifeguarding or swim teaching for a while

The person below me overslept today
I like to collect many things but it’s mostly Lego.

The person below me is excited for Pokémon Day.
Yeah, I’m excited for the Pokémon Presents.
Also, I think that Yanrima~ was referring to collectibles on this site.

The person below me can drive.
No, and I'm rather glad I don't... as much as I would like to, it wouldn't be very useful for me, and I also don't want to contribute to destroying the ozone layer.

The person below me likes astronomy.
I'm fascinated by it, yes. We're nothing compared to the vastness of outer space. I wish just once in my lifetime to see Saturn through a telescope in real time 🪐✨

The person below me has ridden a horse at least once.
I'm about to! There's frozen pizza being put into the oven.

The person below me is procrastinating right now by reading this thread.
Yeah, actually. I started working on my backup NH island again, and taking a short break right now. Also, on my own island thread on this very forum (link in my signature), I've been promising a part 3 to one of my short stories for quite a while, and it's still not done. I'm such a lazybones.

The person below me likes to hang pictures on their walls.