Not really. I'm almost always right hand dominant. The only thing I can do better left-handed as far as I know is using a spatula to quickly take food off a tray.
No, and I'm rather glad I don't... as much as I would like to, it wouldn't be very useful for me, and I also don't want to contribute to destroying the ozone layer.
I'm fascinated by it, yes. We're nothing compared to the vastness of outer space. I wish just once in my lifetime to see Saturn through a telescope in real time
The person below me has ridden a horse at least once.
Yeah, actually. I started working on my backup NH island again, and taking a short break right now. Also, on my own island thread on this very forum (link in my signature), I've been promising a part 3 to one of my short stories for quite a while, and it's still not done. I'm such a lazybones.
The person below me likes to hang pictures on their walls.