The Person Below Me...

A number of times, but not too lost.

The person below me likes wearing accessories in real life
Uh… well I mean, I wear glasses, so I guess I have to. 😆

The person below me is fluent in a language besides English.
In the story I'm writing I do lol

The person below me sometimes forgets that having a sense of humor is the spicy peppers that fight off the lemons of life.
I'm not. Otherwise, I'd probably die from holding my own cat so much.
I think you forgot to word it as "The person below me..."

The person below me has seen a movie in the past week.
I have it open, but I'm not watching anything at the moment (For those who are curious, I'm rewatching Vinesauce Joel's 3D Movie Maker livestreams).

The person below me has a commercial jingle stuck in their head.

The person below me recently had rice