The Person Below Me...


The person below me is 18 years or older in age.
I’m a minor.

The person below me is planning on going to bed in the next 30 minutes.
Ninja’d wowzers
I’m laying in bed as I type this.

The person below me has Pokémon cards.

The person below me has changed their signature on this site at least once.
Yep. I feel like it was a waste of my seashells. I should have just picked something I liked initially.

Person below likes apples.

The person below likes celery
I love celery LOL so true

the person below me has pollen allergies
Fortunately I do not! I would hate if I couldn't go on walks in the park without going into terrible sneezing fits.

The person below me eats an ice cream bar by biting into it rather than licking it.
I used to, but not anymore. 😢 Bonnie and Susan (such basic names lol) were white cloud minnows I had when I was 5-7. Shiny and Leopard got to live in SpongeBob themed tank, but didn’t live as long.

The person below me has been stung by a jellyfish.
Yeah, they’re fun if I’m given a word key. I struggle with newspaper crosswords, however.

The person below me watched football this past weekend.
A little bit. I was mostly busy with work

The person below me watches MLB
Nah, hockey and tennis are the only sports i like lol

The person below me recently ate something sweet