The Person Below Me...

I love all sorts of animals so yeah!

The person below still trick or treats.
i would but my sister doesn’t want to go and i don’t want to go by myself </3

the person below me buys CDs.
I used to but I stopped.

The person below me has never eaten cotton candy
No, I just have a couple of fall decorations but I don't do Halloween decorations. Maybe if I was back in the States but where I live now trick or treat isn't a thing.

The person below me is currently deciding their next vacation
Yes, I used to watch a lot of movies and shows on cassette back when I was really little.

The person below me used to use an MP3
I have a modified clickwheel iPod I still use.

The person below me is a sloppy typer.
When I was a kid, yes. These days, it's not really an interest of mine anymore.

The person below me likes parties.
I petted a cat and dog yesterday, if that counts.

Person below me is on their computer right now.
Actually I haven't eaten yet I'm still making dinner

Person below me went for a walk today
I actually didn't! I usually do but didn't have time today.

The person below me likes to draw