The Person Below Me...


The person below me died their hair at least once
Not yet but I'd like to at some point I just don't know what color to go for.

The person below me has difficulty sleeping at night.
The real difficulty is trying to STAY asleep, but yes it's true.

The person below me has played a prank on someone before.
I used to when I was really young but I don't really do it anymore.

The person below me hates math.
No actually. It honestly tends to be easy for me. Not that I love it, but I don’t hate it like most people do lol.

The person below me does hate a specific subject in school.
When I was going to school, I think I loathed English the yeah lol.

The person below me....KNOWS a thing or two! *gasp*
True, many times, I love it 🥰

The person below me likes alternative music
Not a book, no.
I've still yet to read the New Horizons manga I got a while back

The person below me found a new song they like.
Yes, "NIGHT" by Stray Kids.

The person below me also found a new song they like.
True, "Real" by Years & Years

The person below me has at least one piercing
Nah, I don’t usually care for sports.

The person below me is sitting in a chair.