The Person Below Me...

No, I did chew pens though. Broke my braces off when I was 11 because of it (I do not recommend chewing pens)

The person below me has a pet dog
I wish. It's at least cloudy out though.

The person below me is considered tall.
I mean, technically? I’m a 5’6” woman, so two inches taller than average.

The person below me watched the Oscars.
Nope, it's not my thing. I love the looks though.

The person below me had pizza recently.
Yes, during the first few events I participated in, but please don’t go looking for it. It would be painful for both of us.

The person below me prefers rain to snow.
Once I failed a geometry test so badly my teacher announced my grade in front of the class. (They didn’t know it was me. He said, “Someone is this class got a 33.” And everyone acted all shocked, so when I saw it was my test, I was kinda disappointed.)

The person below me likes going to the beach.