The Person Below Me...

nah,, i love food in general but full meals hit different, especially when i’m hungry lmao

person below me likes to cook
Definitely not. I might do three hours a day at most.

The person below me likes islands!
I do!! In general my memory is pretty bad, but I remember a lot of very specific things that happened.

The person below me has bad memory.
Maybe? I can remember sheet music for band/piano in a couple days, but I can't remember how I met almost any of my friends.

The person below me just ate a meal.
I'm pretty neutral on olives, so no

The person below me likes cinnamon!
It really depends. I enjoy vanilla milkshakes, ice cream, but I dislike the idea of having vanilla shots in my coffee.

The person below me gets bit a lot by mosquitos in the summer.
Hell yeah I do! I've gawked at a bunch of designs but I don't have the money to buy any.

The person below me has roller skated?
Waaa, how did you ever guess that?? I actually do love geese 🥰

The person below me took (or takes) music lessons.
Yep! Piano, to be specific.

The person below me has to work tomorrow.
Cross out the work
Change it to school X_X
All I mean is I have school tomorrow but not work UwU

The person below me says that the school sucks :) (I always say that)
Oof honestly I actually like(d) school.. liked it so much that I’m in grad school lol

the person below me ate some fruit yesterday
I honestly don't remember yesterday. But, I had some today.

The person below me is/was a theatre kid.