The Person Below Me...

Only when it's raw in salad. Cooked spinach isn't really for me.

The person below me has some form of a collection.
Yes! I have a collection of Pokémon cards and video games

The person below me struggles to sit on chairs properly
Yee, it’s one of my favourite foods!!

The person below me will be participating in the Farewell to New Leaf Online event next week
no, i have new leaf. i don't own the console to play it.

the person below me likes to collect things.
Yes. Probably under 10 hours on the nintendo switch. It was mostly for curiosity and not something I took too seriously.

Person below has won a toy out of a claw machine.
Yes I’ve done ballet, gymnastics, basketball and swimming over the years, I haven’t for years though now

The person below me goes to bed before 12am
On work nights, most definitely as I wake up at 4:45 AM. If I don't, then I'm definitely feeling the effects the next day.

The person below me likes at least one Disney Channel Original Movie.
Hope not cause I just got out of one lol

The person below me sleeps with more than one pillow
Nearly every day now. Even on off days, I’m hard-wired to wake up at 9:30. My body seems to refuse to stay asleep past that. Over five years ago, I was able to sleep in until as late as 12:30PM. That doesn’t happen anymore.

The person below me needs some form of noise to fall asleep to.
I do, I usually have a fan or white noise machine going

the person below me has a tattoo