The Person Below Me...

if I have, then I don't remember.

The person below me has played a survival horror before.
Nope. Might try it though.

The person below me has already given up on their New Years Resolution
LOL at that exchange.

To answer, nah.

The person below me doesn't drink enough water every day.
I mean, I drink one glass at dinner... (that glass being my only liquid intake in a day, so uhh)

The person below me has never gone skiing
Yep, never been, despite living only 15 minutes away from a ski lift.

The person below me is looking forward to an upcoming event.
Hmm...not currently.

The person below me has a talent for something.
Probably something. Annoying people 😅

The person below me is annoyed by me, true story

The person below me has a job.
You’ve never annoyed me, don’t worry lol
Yep, I currently work for a school district.

The person below me watched part of a TV series today.
It’s not on TV, but it’s a YouTube series. I watched the newest episode today (Disventure Camp).

The person below me likes orange juice.
Lies! I don't believe you.

The person below me doesn't mind Hawaiian pizza.
I mind a lot. Fruit doesn't belong on pizza, unless it's tomato of course, lol

The person below me licks their lips frequently.
Snek, where are you? This question is for you.

The person below me has a fun vacation planned for this year.
Nah, I'm a homebody.

The person below me is reading a book series.