Mafia The Real Housewives of Mafia - Town Wins

you can chat with people*

Also irl to talking but no to voice chatting? That's contradictory lmao.
Ugh farobi why u gonna be ded we cud have talk about this game i know ur reading this
I suspect the reason why hes ok with irl but not VC is because irl would only affect Panda/me while VC would affect everyone
I kind of get yes IRL no VC - IRL means you’re friends most likely while VC you don’t necessarily know the people very well and can be cajoled easily. Non participation in VC can get construed as scummy while obviously not meeting in IRL cannot be lol.
kat and panda were already meeting with each other, for reasons other than mafia. Saying no you can't talk about the game is dumb, and I know they could very well do it anyway and me never know. Purposefully contacting other players for the means of talking about the game is much different, and not in the spirit of what I think of forum mafia. If you can't see the difference in the two, I'm sorry, but the more I think about it the more strongly I feel on making that distinction
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I need this privilege earlier than 12 hours from now I only have 3 messages left. ; _ ;
I need this privilege earlier than 12 hours from now I only have 3 messages left. ; _ ;

Sorry but I need time to enact rules going against what I originally was against
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It's such a pain but that's probably what I will have to do. Cleared like...5 messages.
I'm grudgingly ok with this as long as the main discord channel is strictly off limits.

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Side note, how the f was dedenne town - who exactly is mafia? Do they even exist?

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Dad, clear some irrelevant PMs, you don't need them all.
(I attempted to pm you, but your message quota was full)

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Like worst case scenario, save the PM's in a text document and delete all of them
Why do I get sussed in every god damn game.
It was fun anyway, despite getting no PMs lmao
Ppspsssstttt Toad can I have observer chat pls
Also random question but Panda where do you know the term douse and arsonist from?

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actually I probs should've asked by PM but w/e
also won't provide too much details on my PoE but the most sus for me rn is Panda and Trundle(Chele)
I'm under the impression that there was more people than Dad/Glow/Farobi in that circle. In the event that wasn't, occam's razor dictates that Dad has to be mafia, but like I stated, that's not a reasonable assumption.
wait I was reading back @Dad Please PM to Evan the names of the others who were involved in the PM circle. We should 100% be looking at those.
Also I don't need to be detailed about this but Farobi spilled more than just glow's role in PMs from what I have gathered so I wasn't the only one who knew she was a driver.
Then pray do tell who did Farobi tell Glow?s role to if you know
I've already PM'd you about who. I'm not airing that in the thread and you specifically know why.
Dolby said:
Presently, I'm assuming that Dad was the inside man, and looking back there has been a few inconsistencies with his claim. Also Dad, about Farobi sharing ???'s role with ?????, that wasn't exactly vital information, and actually has little worth strategy wise for maf to know at this point in the game, whereas knowing Glow's role could have been the difference between town and scum dying last night, thus, I think that Farobi would be a little more discreet with Glow's role than ???'s.
Like alright, if Dad told Dolby the info of the "other people" and Dolby is saying it's inconsequential, then lol;;;;; There's two distinct possibilities I see:

1) Dad was not aware of the PM comms glow/Farobi had. I'd imagine they would have reported to eachother about what they were doing, so I'm honestly skeptical.
-----1a) Dolby's hypothesis is incorrect, and Farobi told ??? glow's role. We should go after ??? in this case.
-----1b) Dolby's hypothesis is correct. There is another mole that Dad is entirely unaware of. We're kind of at a stalemate in this case. If ??? (the one who received the name of ???'s role) could PM Evan as well and give him the convo you had between Farobi, that'd be fantastic
2) Dad was aware of the PM comms of the other two. This Dad would objectively be scum as he only brought up a hypothesis on who this other mole could be rather than having a definitive answer, but we run into the lack of protective role problem.

If we have another protective role, PLEASE FOR THE ALMIGHTLY LOVE OF GOD PM it to Evan.
In other non-PM circle news:

I find something interesting tho looking forward to this
What'd you mean by this Waffles?

@Dad: What happened to your tunnel on me? Why so sure it's Dolby?

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To add onto 1b and 1 in general, town!Dad isn't assured in that scenario, but it's much much more likely due to him having a protective role and showing he wasn't the only one who knew **** in the PM circle
I don't actually know what to contribute rn so if anyone has any questions hmu ?\_(ツ)_/?
Ill bite

Why is Chele/Trundle the most sus?

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Throw panda in that too

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Can a roleblocker prevent factional kills?