Mafia The Real Housewives of Mafia - Town Wins

Updated reads

PandaDarling - she's still here and I still sus her
SensaiGallade - I mean Evan said he's town and I do trust Evan but had Evan not said that, Sensai would be one of my top susses right now just because, as I explained before, it seems like he's overall contributed less than previous games which is concerning, and also POE
Mogyay - I liked her D1 contributions but she's been so inactive it's hard to judge now ugh
Zendel - same reasoning as Mog tbh, although his questions about the arsonist were kind of awkwardly phrased and made me raise my eyebrows about him as a potential candidate
Ness - all of his posts so far have seemed town but aaah where is he
AmazonEvan19 - the towniest town that ever did town
Arstotzkan - yup I'm done tunneling her :p After the events with Dad, logic dictates that she is most likely town. If Dad is not a jailor and lied about jailing her she is definitely town, if Dad did jail her she's either vanilla townie or mafia goon and townie is way more likely.
ITookYourWaffles - second strongest townlean after Evan, because she's so incredibly different from Kingmaker where she was scum and she's actually contributing
Endless - I think Dad or Dolby is a more likely godfather on the team but I'm not counting him out yet.
Heyden - I mean he's definitely participating more so points for that but my earlier points about his contributions still stand, and also I really just don't know who else maf could be TBH
Dad - as of right now I don't really believe he is jailor but I mean let's see if anyone gets jailed tonight.
Dolby - if Dad is town Dolby very well could be scum. He's also an arsonist candidate at this point
Chele/Trundle - All these two have got going for them is Chele's good contributions at the very beginning of D1. After that she sort of returned to her last game scummy self. Let's see what Trundle has to say.
since I have nothing better to do I thought about the differences between the lynches D1 and D2 and isn't it kinda odd how active D1's lynch was, especially compared to D2's. There was an air of urgency to D1 whereas in D2 we were talking about crier 15 minutes till EoD. Like that's a substantial difference in tone. I tend to think it's due to mafia being nervous D1 and not D2, AKA there was mafia up for lynch D1 and not for D2. Quietness is generally a very strong indicator of the resulting lynch being a town lynch. So atm, I'm kind of leaning towards Sensai and Panda being innocent, and out of everyone put up D1 (Dad, glow, me, Farobi, Evan, Punchy), the only non-confirmed is me and Dad, so damn me for going deeper into this tunnel.

I kinda wanna look into the quieter ones who've slipped under the radar, like Vanessa and mog. Definitely wanna look at Zendel's replacement too. Chele's tone was pretty damn good early game for her to be scum, I'm not really on board with scum!Chele.

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o boi vanessa reads nice timing

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Mogyay - I liked her D1 contributions but she's been so inactive it's hard to judge now ugh
What D1 contributions?
Arstotzkan - yup I'm done tunneling her :p After the events with Dad, logic dictates that she is most likely town. If Dad is not a jailor and lied about jailing her she is definitely town, if Dad did jail her she's either vanilla townie or mafia goon and townie is way more likely.
And why isn't goon!me realistic? Also you realize if I'm scum, I could just lie about not getting a notif yeah?
ITookYourWaffles - second strongest townlean after Evan, because she's so incredibly different from Kingmaker where she was scum and she's actually contributing
Huh, really? Kinda got the impression that she's lurking. Mind elaborating?
since I have nothing better to do I thought about the differences between the lynches D1 and D2 and isn't it kinda odd how active D1's lynch was, especially compared to D2's. There was an air of urgency to D1 whereas in D2 we were talking about crier 15 minutes till EoD. Like that's a substantial difference in tone. I tend to think it's due to mafia being nervous D1 and not D2, AKA there was mafia up for lynch D1 and not for D2. Quietness is generally a very strong indicator of the resulting lynch being a town lynch. So atm, I'm kind of leaning towards Sensai and Panda being innocent, and out of everyone put up D1 (Dad, glow, me, Farobi, Evan, Punchy), the only non-confirmed is me and Dad, so damn me for going deeper into this tunnel.

I kinda wanna look into the quieter ones who've slipped under the radar, like Vanessa and mog. Definitely wanna look at Zendel's replacement too. Chele's tone was pretty damn good early game for her to be scum, I'm not really on board with scum!Chele.

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o boi vanessa reads nice timing

It was oddly quiet so I take this opportunity to look at who was up for lynch D1 and compare to who was D2 and whoever wasn't up for lynch D2 but was D1 is an indicator as to who could be maf.
Ill bite

Why is Chele/Trundle the most sus?

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Throw panda in that too

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Can a roleblocker prevent factional kills?
Chele bc she got townread pretty easily early on bc her 'playstyle' was different and no one really contested it, and looking through her post filter she didn't really do much imo, and nor has Panda done anything. WHat I noticed is that they both sr each other I'm pretty sure but never actively pushed for one other, which is sometimes a scum team, which is why I think Panda/Chele is viable. ALSo bc Trundle's been on a few times yet hasn't posted, and i'm wondering why the silence. Oh and PoE i guess.

I would say Vanessa/Mog too but there's small details which point to them being more likely town which I'd rather not mention
Ok so Kat is def not arso and slimmer chance of mafia opposed to everyone else then

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gonna sleep I'm hearing things and sorta creeped out lmao night
Well the fact that literally no one has tried to bring me up to speed yet and no one has PMed me at all should go to show that my role is irrelevant to the game. I'm not going to put in any hardcore effort to make it seem like I'm a blue because I'm pretty sure mafia is ignoring me anyway because I haven't contributed anything.

I think Panda is town just based on her posting style. I was pretty surprised to see her up for lynch (just like approximately Day 2 in most other games) where people want to lynch her just because her posts don't align with consensus. In my opinion that shows a more town vibe than going with the flow. In early game, a going against the status quo is usually a good sign.

Not sure what I'm feeling from Dad/Endless/Dolby. Finding kinda hard to read them all together. If there is any telling information based on deaths/claims so far could someone fill me in? After that it will be a bit easier to clear up the rest of my reads.
since I have nothing better to do I thought about the differences between the lynches D1 and D2 and isn't it kinda odd how active D1's lynch was, especially compared to D2's. There was an air of urgency to D1 whereas in D2 we were talking about crier 15 minutes till EoD. Like that's a substantial difference in tone. I tend to think it's due to mafia being nervous D1 and not D2, AKA there was mafia up for lynch D1 and not for D2. Quietness is generally a very strong indicator of the resulting lynch being a town lynch. So atm, I'm kind of leaning towards Sensai and Panda being innocent, and out of everyone put up D1 (Dad, glow, me, Farobi, Evan, Punchy), the only non-confirmed is me and Dad, so damn me for going deeper into this tunnel.

I kinda wanna look into the quieter ones who've slipped under the radar, like Vanessa and mog. Definitely wanna look at Zendel's replacement too. Chele's tone was pretty damn good early game for her to be scum, I'm not really on board with scum!Chele.

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o boi vanessa reads nice timing

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What D1 contributions?
And why isn't goon!me realistic? Also you realize if I'm scum, I could just lie about not getting a notif yeah?
Huh, really? Kinda got the impression that she's lurking. Mind elaborating?

Mog made a couple posts towards the end of D1 where she questioned people and had some original thoughts and I got a good feeling off of them. I'll try to find them later I don't have time rn
I mean goon!you is possible ofc I'm not townlocking you or anything, but I feel like your tone and efforts (eg PMing Dad all your thoughts when you were up for lynch) are pretty town too. I honestly didn't think of you lying about not getting the notif, thanks for mentioning it :lemon:
I'll elaborate more on Waffles later as well but you were scum with her in kingmaker, don't you see a difference between the quality and focus of her posts?
I can't even relate because of PM game ugh

PandaDarling - Already stated why I didn't go for panda lynch and stated her post quality style (same as previous games as town)
SensaiGallade - gutfeeling third party arso
VanessaMay18 - good post quality; her playstyle is same as previous games; slight townlean
Ness - I have my own reason and maybe some of you guys know why :eyes:
Arstotzkan - this will determine dad's results and not entirely sure cuz scum!kat and town!kat are sort of alike (just reading some threads in game)
ITookYourWaffles - Whats my purpose in life anyway?
Endless - Good post but havent play with him same reason with kat
Heyden - Slight scumlean/nullish; the arso n0 action kind of bothers me; "I wish dedenne was blue is kind of scumslip but coming from him why would a pro player scumslip?
Dad - Jailing Kat and failed to save farobi and their circle bothers me a bit (see more post about dad in my opinion but eh rn too lazy t
Chele/Trundle- doesn't change the fact since Chele is genuinely town anyway

List of people obvs aren't 3rd PT
- Heyden
- Kat
- Endless

PandaDarling - Already stated why I didn't go for panda lynch and stated her post quality style (same as previous games as town)
SensaiGallade - gutfeeling third party arso
VanessaMay18 - good post quality; her playstyle is same as previous games; slight townlean
Ness - I have my own reason and maybe some of you guys know why :eyes:
Arstotzkan - this will determine dad's results and not entirely sure cuz scum!kat and town!kat are sort of alike (just reading some threads in game)
ITookYourWaffles - Whats my purpose in life anyway?
Endless - Good post but havent play with him same reason with kat
Heyden - Slight scumlean/nullish; the arso n0 action kind of bothers me; "I wish dedenne was blue is kind of scumslip but coming from him why would a pro player scumslip?
Dad - Jailing Kat and failed to save farobi and their circle bothers me a bit (see more post about dad in my opinion but eh rn too lazy t
Chele/Trundle- doesn't change the fact since Chele is genuinely town anyway

List of people obvs aren't 3rd PT
- Heyden
- Kat
- Endless


Come the hell on! We had this arguement yesterday EOD! I. have. nothing. to. do. with. ARSONIST!

This has to be one of the weakest read lists I've seen all game. The fact that the only scum lean you have is Heyden is saying a lot to me.

Okay fine I admit I don't even bother to read everything after glow and farobi lynch and we're losing I'm like let **** it the pros handle the job plus they have more evidence cuz of BIG PM circle. I wanna feel part/involved in the game so much to keep up I'm not even confident to do this anymore if only Farobi send his information to me before his death I would have brought up everything to someone who to trust I don't even know whether to trust dad or not because of their death ughhhh I'm not even trying in this game nsdjaskjdnasj

I'm just surprised why people didn't pm me and ask regarding Farobi's death :)))))

Okay fine I admit I don't even bother to read everything after glow and farobi lynch and we're losing I'm like let **** it the pros handle the job plus they have more evidence cuz of BIG PM circle. I wanna feel part/involved in the game so much to keep up I'm not even confident to do this anymore if only Farobi send his information to me before his death I would have brought up everything to someone who to trust I don't even know whether to trust dad or not because of their death ughhhh I'm not even trying in this game nsdjaskjdnasj

I'm just surprised why people didn't pm me and ask regarding Farobi's death :)))))

And this is where I draw the similarities between your play now and how you did in Kingmaker :lemon:

If nobody is PM'ing you then reach out to people and find someone you can trust. We can't tell for sure if dad is scum or not until the end of the night. If no one receives a jailer PM then it means he's been lying this whole time.
Totally make sense why Dedenne's post quality improved

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Am I the only one who's losing hope because arso and mafia in game ugh
N2 isn't time to lose hope, Arso would be moronic to ignite here and mafia is close, I'm getting a gut feeling this is gonna go down like Kingmaker.
Well the fact that literally no one has tried to bring me up to speed yet and no one has PMed me at all should go to show that my role is irrelevant to the game. I'm not going to put in any hardcore effort to make it seem like I'm a blue because I'm pretty sure mafia is ignoring me anyway because I haven't contributed anything.

I think Panda is town just based on her posting style. I was pretty surprised to see her up for lynch (just like approximately Day 2 in most other games) where people want to lynch her just because her posts don't align with consensus. In my opinion that shows a more town vibe than going with the flow. In early game, a going against the status quo is usually a good sign.

Not sure what I'm feeling from Dad/Endless/Dolby. Finding kinda hard to read them all together. If there is any telling information based on deaths/claims so far could someone fill me in? After that it will be a bit easier to clear up the rest of my reads.

Two people literally told you everything you need to know about the game and you ignored them.

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Also feel free to hit me up on discord, username amazonevan19#4135