Mafia The Real Housewives of Mafia - Town Wins

Well knowing Dad is town is nice. Feel free to lynch me. I'm literally not even going to try to sway the vote because I don't have the time and I don't want to put in the effort. My last words are that I think it's possible Waffles is super bussing mafia to appear third party - when in reality Waffles could be mafia herself.

Well, since nobody else is posting...
We basically have 3 options right now.
Option 1, we lynch waffles, which doesn't help us towards our wincon at all but buys us time.
Option 2, we lynch mog, which we do have to do to win, but mog is great and idk if she doused anyone or not.
Option 3, we lynch trundle, who is most likely the last scum, but if he's not we might be in trouble.
Well, since nobody else is posting...
We basically have 3 options right now.
Option 1, we lynch waffles, which doesn't help us towards our wincon at all but buys us time.
Option 2, we lynch mog, which we do have to do to win, but mog is great and idk if she doused anyone or not.
Option 3, we lynch trundle, who is most likely the last scum, but if he's not we might be in trouble.

Wasn't night supposed to end? Also, I'm not scum.

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Oh I just realized night already ended and it's day right now.
Trundle just messaged me on discord saying he isn't scum and attempting to find out who the last scum actually is. He thinks it's Kat and said we should lynch her today.
He pulled up her 2 reads lists, in both of which Kat listed both heyden and endless as town (which is a fair point against her).
I don't know if this is a last ditch effort to save himself or if he's genuinely trying to help, his tone did seem genuine though.

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For reference, here are kat's reads lists:
The second one is the first one she posted
he hasn't really done anything else this game though.

i dont know why people backed off Kat, her behaviour earlier was scummy af and her lack of input and posting as of now is worrying.
Yeah, Trundle also pointed out that the fact that she dropped off now could be because she thinks she has the game in the bag.
It's definitely one of them at this point

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I need to do more numbers and see what happens if we mislynch today

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It is currently 1v2v4
A mislynch leaves us at 1v2v3
Night 5 will leave us at 1v2v2
Then we have to lynch scum or else its game over, and we have to lynch mog the next day if we do survive
he hasn't really done anything else this game though.

i dont know why people backed off Kat, her behaviour earlier was scummy af and her lack of input and posting as of now is worrying.

as I said before, you are free to lynch me but you're more likely to lose
Yeah, Trundle also pointed out that the fact that she dropped off now could be because she thinks she has the game in the bag.
It's definitely one of them at this point

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I need to do more numbers and see what happens if we mislynch today

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It is currently 1v2v4
A mislynch leaves us at 1v2v3
Night 5 will leave us at 1v2v2
Then we have to lynch scum or else its game over, and we have to lynch mog the next day if we do survive
hmmm, have to think a bit more.
****ing hell i want this game over with and i swear to god if trundle isnt maf then i will single handedly burn everyone else alive since everyone else if either unconfirmed town, maf or tp
good luck town, I think it's Kat but I really don't know. I trust Vanessa most

You trust someone who is unconfirmed in comparison to someone who is :thinking:

no offense vanessa

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i ****ed that up, you trust someone someone unconfirmed more that you trust someone confirmed town