The really random game


Senior Member
Jan 4, 2009
After 50 posts the person with the randomist sentence gets 50k
I'll go first

So you know how the diner man told us that grooming grass could bring up some money heads. =D

Your turn
My 27 fat cats turned into monkeys behind my evil labratory while I was making a baconator
that could make the earth shrink
Bowser sat on Mario's lap while eating Goomba brains covered in hot sauce.

The hot sauce was actually blood, but Bowser didn't care because he was covered in gore and cupcakes.

Toad was eating the cupcakes while playing Tekken 5.

Tekken 5 was fail.

Fail is no one.

No one is ...
I saw a flying saucer in the meadow of darkness with 14367 bunnies swimming around in the air, while the docter passed out on the floor.

She ate the moon on the moon while drinking the sky and eating the grass and her face and her alien friend
ohdangitsgabby got eaten by a two tailed lion with 70 heads and a laser beam

But, it spit her back up and I gave her a hug.
RockmanEXE said:
ohdangitsgabby got eaten by a two tailed lion with 70 heads and a laser beam

But, it spit her back up and I gave her a hug.
Ew.. but i got a hug =D

RockmanEXE was attacked by a killer bear, but lived, because the bear's girlfriend didn't want to see him die. So, she broke up with her bear boyfriend and chased after Rockman to give him a hug, but failed, because he climbed up a tree.

I jumped out of the tree and cut it and the bear in half with my laser sword then walked away like some cool anime dude.
I jumped outta the tree which I slept in with Adam snadler, obama, and palin but i laned on Rockman and then took her/his sword and when on a killing rampage, killing ALL people in my town even nook and redd only so to cut dowm a tree and lose perfect status so I stabbed myself and took flight 316 to heaven but fell back to life again, but fell on Adam and he died.

Yogi went to hongkong with his 17 picnic baskets and learned to eat mushi mushu mush with a spoon and hogtied a comic artist wearing blue feet pajamas and ate the picnic basket in the middle of the leaning tower of pisa. 0.o