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The Resetting Thread

I am having this same issue! I spent 3 weeks resetting to get all the features I wanted and got almost all of them but for whatever reason, something doesn't feel right! I can't even really put my finger on it. I don't want to regret resetting an island that I spent ages looking for though. I am honestly at a loss for what to do...

I reset my 'perfect' map and I don't miss it. Something didn't feel right and it just kept bugging me and getting worse until I just decided I needed to restart. I'm now looking for something different but I'm being much more relaxed about the criteria I want. There's a specific map layout I want and I want the largest peninsula so I can move my house there, but everything else I'm not being fussy about - hopefully I won't be resetting for long!
I am having this same issue! I spent 3 weeks resetting to get all the features I wanted and got almost all of them but for whatever reason, something doesn't feel right! I can't even really put my finger on it. I don't want to regret resetting an island that I spent ages looking for though. I am honestly at a loss for what to do...

If something is bugging you about your island, I'd say reset, because you won't be able to enjoy your island because you will be focusing on that one thing that's bothering you. Unless it's something that can be able to be changed later, but if it's something like the location of things like the secret beach or Resident Services that can't be changed, then I'd say reset.
If something is bugging you about your island, I'd say reset, because you won't be able to enjoy your island because you will be focusing on that one thing that's bothering you. Unless it's something that can be able to be changed later, but if it's something like the location of things like the secret beach or Resident Services that can't be changed, then I'd say reset.
For me, it's the left beach and the peninsula. The left beach is my favorite and it is so dang narrow! I like my peninsula on the left as well to watch sunsets from and its on the right. I love everything else about my island though. Such minor things though when I have so many other requirements...ughhhh.
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I reset my island yesterday due to feeling really overwhelmed with my old island. I felt like I was comparing myself to others instead of just doing what I wanted with my island.

On my new island I'm going to keep things simple, but still have some decorations. I'll also be limiting my trading, and trying to get most things from my own island, or from friends in like 1 to 1 trading. I also just want to have my character's home have just the main room upgraded fully.
I am having this same issue! I spent 3 weeks resetting to get all the features I wanted and got almost all of them but for whatever reason, something doesn't feel right! I can't even really put my finger on it. I don't want to regret resetting an island that I spent ages looking for though. I am honestly at a loss for what to do...
Same. We should both give it time and see if they set out new updates that fill the weird offness maybe?
aargh, I reset 2 days ago after coming back from a big break and I still can't find a map I like.... even when I do, I never get the right fruit/airport combination...

here's what I'm looking for:
  • largest peninsula (I'll accept other shapes if everything else is perfect)
  • peninsula opposite dock
  • residential services + airport far away from each other
  • oranges + orange or green airport, peaches + yellow airport (maybe also green?), apples + yellow airport, pears + green airport
  • a rocky beach would be nice, but not something I'll reset over
I was way more specific than this in NL and I was able to get what I wanted... RNG gods are clearly not being kind to me this time.
hoping that complaining will maybe bring me some luck?

edit: complaining worked


the only thing I would change is the tiny beach location, but I'll live with it! I'll probably just close it off with terraforming lol
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I reset my 'perfect' map and I don't miss it. Something didn't feel right and it just kept bugging me and getting worse until I just decided I needed to restart. I'm now looking for something different but I'm being much more relaxed about the criteria I want. There's a specific map layout I want and I want the largest peninsula so I can move my house there, but everything else I'm not being fussy about - hopefully I won't be resetting for long!
So you ended up resetting your "perfect" map and you feel better? That is comforting to know. I just spent so long resetting for this town (3 weeks!) and I'm so upset I don't love it. Do you have any requirements for your next town?
So you ended up resetting your "perfect" map and you feel better? That is comforting to know. I just spent so long resetting for this town (3 weeks!) and I'm so upset I don't love it. Do you have any requirements for your next town?

I reset for about 3 weeks to get my map too, but now it's gone i don't even miss it! I'm looking for a town with two south river exits and the largest peninsula - I'm hoping for cherries or peaches. I've got rid of a lot of my old criteria e.g rocky beach and short pier. I'm also not going to be fussy about airport colour - hopefully it won't take long to find one!
I reset for about 3 weeks to get my map too, but now it's gone i don't even miss it! I'm looking for a town with two south river exits and the largest peninsula - I'm hoping for cherries or peaches. I've got rid of a lot of my old criteria e.g rocky beach and short pier. I'm also not going to be fussy about airport colour - hopefully it won't take long to find one!
That sounds similar to me! I'm throwing out a lot of my old criteria as well! I wanted a long pier On the left and not a ton of rocks with large northern rocks with the water pools. Do you like the short pier better and why? I think if I reset, I will look for the largest peninsula, south rivers, peaches, cherries, or apples, pier on the left, and preferably a blue airport. I'm so glad I am not alone in feeling like this!
That sounds similar to me! I'm throwing out a lot of my old criteria as well! I wanted a long pier On the left and not a ton of rocks with large northern rocks with the water pools. Do you like the short pier better and why? I think if I reset, I will look for the largest peninsula, south rivers, peaches, cherries, or apples, pier on the left, and preferably a blue airport. I'm so glad I am not alone in feeling like this!

I really like the larger northern rocks with the water pools too but I'm trying not to be fussy about it! I just think the short pier is really cute, but if I get the long one then it's fine really! I hope you find your island soon!
i have a feeling when we find out what the dock is for a lot of people are gonna wanna ethier reset or get a new switch.. i heard there is a new switch coming out but it was a pic of a lite and i already have a lite and i want a console...
I might just reset once more (lol). Tend to reset a lot.

Since the old Welcome Amiibo villagers codes were found in the game files from the recent update, I really want to start over to make a Splatoon themed town. But i'm not sure, so i'm asking this thread.
Fighting the urge to reset.....my island layout is so ugly, I've destroyed it lol. However I don't want to give up all my furniture and recipes so I guess I'll just push through the pain...
I've reset my game for the 2nd time since it's release back in March. I reset for the 1st time because I had done so much trading on here for items I wanted that I felt I didn't have much left to look forward to unlocking. (I also despised the location of my plaza, which was off centered, yet right on top of my airport).

I reset for the 2nd time because I had taken a very long break from the game (two to three months?) and upon returning, I felt a disconnect from my island, and a large lack of direction as far as what I should do with my island decor and terraforming, which I hadn't finished before my break. What I had done to my island before was done for the wrong reasons as well. I was very concerned with making an island to show off to others and receive praise for, rather than making something that was my own creation and something I was pleased with for myself.

I was a lot more particular this time as far as what I was resetting for. I wanted to make this the 'final reset'. (though I'm aware everyone says that). Due to a longer wishlist, it took me far longer to find my island, and emotions were a lot more tense this time. Much love to my husband who was there to encourage me to not give up, nor to accept something that was less than perfect to me.

This time, I was looking for: pears (1st choice) or cherries (2nd choice), yellow airport, lilies as a native flower (because of my birthday, I could get lilies, tulips or roses), town plaza a fair distance away from the airport, a west/south river outlet map, dock on the east side, peninsula on the west side, and minimal beach rocks (I'd rather have 2 large ones than 6 small ones for example).

I'm unable to post a photo at this time, but after 3 days of resetting with varying levels of patience, I found an island with all of the above requirements, and cherries. I decided to accept this island despite having cherries and not pears because there were other positives to the map that left me feeling happy and excited about accepting it rather than feeling like I was making a sacrifice. The town plaza was in a rare position of being almost centered on the entire island which I thought was really cool and didn't encounter that much during my resetting. I also got a really pretty beach rock that had a water pool in it that I'm excited to decorate later.

It's been almost 12 hours and I'm still really excited for this island that I found. It just really feels right to me. The difficult part now is going to be getting through the slow tutorial days and getting this place up and running and decorated. Good luck to anyone who's still resetting!
I've been debating restarting my island, but I can't fully commit to doing it. Lol I've had my island since the release of the game, and when i finally got terraforming, i just started getting rid of things that bugged me without any real ideas of what i wanted to actually do to it. My buildings are all bunched together because i didn't anticipate being able to actually move stuff around like this. All in all, my island looks TERRIBLE (my 10 year old hasn't helped this either with his weird beach house :rolleyes:). I keep going back and forth on if I should restart, or just flatten the entire island and start it from scratch until i like it (which I'm aware may never happen 😂). My RS is awkwardly placed, and it's going to cost me about 1mil bells to actually nicely place all my buildings. I have a friend's island lined up for temporary item storage so I'm not totally out my good items and bells, but I really dread the starting over process. Help! 😂😂
I've been debating restarting my island, but I can't fully commit to doing it. Lol I've had my island since the release of the game, and when i finally got terraforming, i just started getting rid of things that bugged me without any real ideas of what i wanted to actually do to it. My buildings are all bunched together because i didn't anticipate being able to actually move stuff around like this. All in all, my island looks TERRIBLE (my 10 year old hasn't helped this either with his weird beach house :rolleyes:). I keep going back and forth on if I should restart, or just flatten the entire island and start it from scratch until i like it (which I'm aware may never happen 😂). My RS is awkwardly placed, and it's going to cost me about 1mil bells to actually nicely place all my buildings. I have a friend's island lined up for temporary item storage so I'm not totally out my good items and bells, but I really dread the starting over process. Help! 😂😂
I decided to level my island before starting over and so far I am liking the results (though tedious) and not have to think about re-collecting diys and the item catalog. I time travel when I am ready to move a building. And if you level your island and try building it back up and still hate then, then restarting may be an easier decision to make.
I decided to level my island before starting over and so far I am liking the results (though tedious) and not have to think about re-collecting diys and the item catalog. I time travel when I am ready to move a building. And if you level your island and try building it back up and still hate then, then restarting may be an easier decision to make.
I went ahead and did a full reset. Lol i think i like this island better (river exits are better located, both are south) and while i know it's the same amount of space overall, i feel like i have more space from the get-go to begin setting up buildings without having to relocate everything when I'm to the point of fully decorating. It does suck having to get all the DIYs and catalog items again, but i already feel happier with this new island setup and can actually see the way i want it done up unlike my other one.
I just reset and I haven't looked back. The only thing I regret is Not checking my storage for valuables :(