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The Resetting Thread

You could've just replaced the fruit.
It all looks bad to me apart from peaches, yet my fruit is cherries.

I replaced them with peaches because two days looking for a map was absurd enough.

Yeah I know you can just plant other fruit but since it’s on your id and your villagers mentioning your native fruit sometimes, I really wanted a native fruit I liked.

@IndiaHawker I 100% agree with Witchy_Trixie! I think you might regret if you restart before you have your old island back.
Yeah I know you can just plant other fruit but since it’s on your id and your villagers mentioning your native fruit sometimes, I really wanted a native fruit I liked.

@IndiaHawker I 100% agree with Witchy_Trixie! I think you might regret if you restart before you have your old island back.
Something i didnt realize that others have notice is that villiager's fruit drinks they carry around pertain to the native fruit.
So I reset for my dream island a few weeks back and it took me 3 weeks to find this island (resetting 3 or 4 hours per day on average so that means 84 hours of resetting)! I had a super specific list of requirements. I found this map and it looked great on the "choose your island" screen. After playing on it for a bit, I realized the left beach (my favorite beach for some reason) is super narrow....ugh. I'm really stuck if I want to reset though just over a stupid beach especially when my other requirements were so so so strict. I also got all the nook miles items in the colors I wanted (white lighthouse, white phone booth and pink/blue chairs, brick pool, blue cotton candy stall, pink springy ride-on)! I also got native apples and hyacinths!!!

Should I reset and keep looking or try to work with what I have? What do you do with narrow beaches? Do I risk losing everything I love about this map? My mom says it's like buying a house - you won't get EVERYTHING you want and you will just have to figure out what you can compromise on.

My requirements were:

-Blue Airport
-Cherries, Peaches, or Apples (Apples were my first choice and I got them!)
-Double south river mouths (for canals in the city area)
-RS fairly central and not too close to the bottom of the map
-Airport at least 8 spaces to the left of town hall and in the 3/4 map slot (or RS and airport perfectly lined up in either area).
-Long dock on left (really hard to get with south river mouths because the dock can spawn on either side)
-At least one large rock with the water pools
-No small secret beach
-No small blocking boulder rocks on shore (flat rocks that you can decorate are fine)

If I could change things about my map:

-Peninsula on left side instead
-Bigger left side beaches


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i think your requirements are so specific it'll be hard to find another similar one. I know once you get in the resetting loop it's difficult to get out of that mindset but you've got a really great looking map!! narrow beaches aren't the end of the world as there's still a decent amount of decoration you can do in smaller spaces, and realistically the focus of design will be on the majority of your island as opposed to the beaches. i have quite small beaches myself but have found a decoration system that works for me!
I would definitely stick with the one you have, it sounds almost perfect! I have my doubts whether you'll be able to find all those requirements without having to reset for 84 more hours...or even more! I'm not sure it is even a possibility to find every single thing on the list. I so admire your dedication! I wish I had reset early on because I have almost none of the things I'd actually want (white street lamps, big peninsula, etc)!

I think the left beach area is definitely a smaller compromise to have. It's not super big, but you might get surprised at what you might be able to do with it! I'd try brainstorming what you could do with smaller beach areas and start looking at some dreams. You might be able to find an idea you can build off of that makes the size not matter so much!

Whatever you decide, best of luck!! :)
If you do reset, I would do it before you get too far along so that you don't lose a whole bunch.

However, I will have to agree with your mom on this; Unless you are willing to spend weeks and weeks and weeks finding THE perfect map, don't reset again. It is highly unlikely you'll find a map that fits to the T of every single little thing. I personally would keep your island and work with it since it's the beach, and not something like resident services or the airport that people usually see upon entry.

But, all in all, it is ultimately up to you whether you reset or not, and what is important to you.
I definitely like the map and I think it meets your list especially for the length of requirements you had. I would keep it if in your shoes but ultimately it just matters how you feel and that you feel confident you won't have regrets/reset later.
I think your mom's advice was very wise and true.
I think your mom is right. Finding an island with everything perfect is likely to be nearly impossible. Honestly, the fact you were able to find an island that with all those requirements you listed is amazing! If you scrap this island you run the chance of resetting for another 84+ hours and not even finding one as good. That would be spirit breaker! If you find yourself being bothered by the smaller left side beaches just think about how many other aspects of your island are perfect for you.

If it was me, I would definitely keep it. (y)
84 hours of resetting! I would keep it...
unless there's something specific you wanted to do on the beach that you can't do using the space beside it, I think you can make it work. It's narrow, but there's some wider parts and your east beach and south beaches are great.
I know that not necessarily getting the exact features you want on your island might be a little disappointing or upsetting, but I like to think of it more as what can I do that’s unique and cool and different because I DO have this feature, opposed to what could’ve I done If I had that feature I wanted.
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So I reset for my dream island a few weeks back and it took me 3 weeks to find this island (resetting 3 or 4 hours per day on average so that means 84 hours of resetting)! I had a super specific list of requirements. I found this map and it looked great on the "choose your island" screen. After playing on it for a bit, I realized the left beach (my favorite beach for some reason) is super narrow....ugh. I'm really stuck if I want to reset though just over a stupid beach especially when my other requirements were so so so strict. I also got all the nook miles items in the colors I wanted (white lighthouse, white phone booth and pink/blue chairs, brick pool, blue cotton candy stall, pink springy ride-on)! I also got native apples and hyacinths!!!

Should I reset and keep looking or try to work with what I have? What do you do with narrow beaches? Do I risk losing everything I love about this map? My mom says it's like buying a house - you won't get EVERYTHING you want and you will just have to figure out what you can compromise on.

My requirements were:

-Blue Airport
-Cherries, Peaches, or Apples (Apples were my first choice and I got them!)
-Double south river mouths (for canals in the city area)
-RS fairly central and not too close to the bottom of the map
-Airport at least 8 spaces to the left of town hall and in the 3/4 map slot (or RS and airport perfectly lined up in either area).
-Long dock on left (really hard to get with south river mouths because the dock can spawn on either side)
-At least one large rock with the water pools
-No small secret beach
-No small blocking boulder rocks on shore (flat rocks that you can decorate are fine)

If I could change things about my map:

-Peninsula on left side instead
-Bigger left side beaches
Theres nothing more cool or unique u can do with things that are smaller like a small dock or small rocks..
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i just want to reset!!! I dont think ill ever be happy with this game.. its too frustrating.. 84 HOURS RESETTING??!?! WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO US NINTENDO... ATLEAST MAKE IT ENJOYABLE the restarting scene with those nook twins... IT IS TORTUREEEEEEE it is mind numbing and hurts us BOOOOOOO
I'm not sure if I should reset or not..

I reset my island about a month ago - i'd had it for a couple of months and I loved it. I loved all of my villagers and I took everything really slowly and spent lots of time slowly building it up. I reset it because I wanted to change the layout of the whole island and I thought resetting would be easier than levelling the whole island, moving all buildings, ramps and bridges and building it back up again.

I regretted it almost immediately. I think that town was *the* town, i should have kept it.

My current town is my dream island - the layout is exactly what I wanted, I got the fruit I wanted and airport colour I like the most. I got three dreamies through island encounters for my first 3 villager move-ins, and a cute smug from the campsite. I've had this town for a month and although everything should be perfect, I'm just not connecting with it like I did with my old town -does that make sense? It just feels a bit flat. I've tried to keep going with it and hoped that I would warm to it, but I just don't connect with it like my old town. I honestly just miss my old town and regret ever resetting it.

I don't know whether to reset again - I don't know if I will ever feel like that about a town again :(
Ok, so I've played my island more and the left beach is still REALLY bugging me (and I'm angry that it bugs me). Everytime I see it, my heart drops - it makes me so upset 😭 I have no motivation to work on my island even though everything else is exactly what I wanted. Do I give it more time? Do I reset and risk 84+ more hours of resetting? I am frustrated with myself for feeling this way!

I am also VERY annoyed at Nintendo for making this such a frustrating process. Especially after the game was delayed not once, but twice! It really wouldn't be that hard to let us choose a fruit and airport color at least!!!! On your flight in, have the nooklings ask you "What fruit do you see down on the island?" And then "We should be landing soon, what color is the airport?" Both of these are easy "pick" functions that even novice coders like me can do! Or let us move the town hall!!! Seriously, we can move every other dang building in the game but not biggest most important one that takes up the most space?! Shame on you Nintendo for putting in a random question at the beginning that has no effect on the game and not putting these options in! And if you try to use modding software to mod your island so you can get what you want, they ban you for cheating! At least offer a paid customization service where we can pay you to customize an island for us, if you are going to ban modding/save editing!!! I love this game because it is calming to play but I also have horrible OCD and want my island a certain way.
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I'm not sure if I should reset or not..

I reset my island about a month ago - i'd had it for a couple of months and I loved it. I loved all of my villagers and I took everything really slowly and spent lots of time slowly building it up. I reset it because I wanted to change the layout of the whole island and I thought resetting would be easier than levelling the whole island, moving all buildings, ramps and bridges and building it back up again.

I regretted it almost immediately. I think that town was *the* town, i should have kept it.

My current town is my dream island - the layout is exactly what I wanted, I got the fruit I wanted and airport colour I like the most. I got three dreamies through island encounters for my first 3 villager move-ins, and a cute smug from the campsite. I've had this town for a month and although everything should be perfect, I'm just not connecting with it like I did with my old town -does that make sense? It just feels a bit flat. I've tried to keep going with it and hoped that I would warm to it, but I just don't connect with it like my old town. I honestly just miss my old town and regret ever resetting it.

I don't know whether to reset again - I don't know if I will ever feel like that about a town again :(

Here is my advice, hope it helps! I think you need to make peace with the fact you will probably never have the same feeling you did with your first town. Maybe your new island is too perfect? There is such a thing! Or for whatever reason you just don't vibe with it. That is how I was with my first island. If you don't connect with it at all, despite giving it some time to improve, then I would say restarting is a wise choice. It's highly unlikely your feelings will change. If you do restart again, I would suggest maybe don't aim for an island that is perfect but rather one that you get a good feeling about. One that makes you feel really excited about the potential!

Ok, so I've played my island more and the left beach is still REALLY bugging me (and I'm angry that it bugs me). Everytime I see it, my heart drops - it makes me so upset 😭 I have no motivation to work on my island even though everything else is exactly what I wanted. Do I give it more time? Do I reset and risk 84+ more hours of resetting? I am frustrated with myself for feeling this way!

I am also VERY annoyed at Nintendo for making this such a frustrating process. Especially after the game was delayed not once, but twice! It really wouldn't be that hard to let us choose a fruit and airport color at least!!!! On your flight in, have the nooklings ask you "What fruit do you see down on the island?" And then "We should be landing soon, what color is the airport?" Both of these are easy "pick" functions that even novice coders like me can do! Or let us move the town hall!!! Seriously, we can move every other dang building in the game but not biggest most important one that takes up the most space?! Shame on you Nintendo for putting in a random question at the beginning that has no effect on the game and not putting these options in! And if you try to use modding software to mod your island so you can get what you want, they ban you for cheating! At least offer a paid customization service where we can pay you to customize an island for us, if you are going to ban modding/save editing!!! I love this game because it is calming to play but I also have horrible OCD and want my island a certain way.

I'm sorry your new island has you feeling so upset! I know that OCD can be very debilitating. If you don't mind putting in all the hours hunting for another island, then why not? There is no point keeping an island that has made you lose motivation/enjoyment! Now that you know how important having big beaches are to you, that can be something you look for and do not settle on. :blush:
Here is my advice, hope it helps! I think you need to make peace with the fact you will probably never have the same feeling you did with your first town. Maybe your new island is too perfect? There is such a thing! Or for whatever reason you just don't vibe with it. That is how I was with my first island. If you don't connect with it at all, despite giving it some time to improve, then I would say restarting is a wise choice. It's highly unlikely your feelings will change. If you do restart again, I would suggest maybe don't aim for an island that is perfect but rather one that you get a good feeling about. One that makes you feel really excited about the potential!

I'm sorry your new island has you feeling so upset! I know that OCD can be very debilitating. If you don't mind putting in all the hours hunting for another island, then why not? There is no point keeping an island that has made you lose motivation/enjoyment! Now that you know how important having big beaches are to you, that can be something you look for and do not settle on. :blush:
Yeah, I am really considering it. My discord told me to give it a bit more time with terraforming and put some good effort into designing that area. They did make a point that 84 hours of resetting is a lot to risk and maybe not find something better. They said if after a month or so of terraforming if I am still really unhappy, then I should reset. But really make sure that I can't work with it because finding better with all my requirements will be tough and might burn me out of something I love.
I really want to restart my island sometimes, then I remember how long it’s taken me to get to this point. I feel like I’d regret it because I’d mainly lose DIY’s and have to grind for resources/money again. I’m having an internal struggle seeing other people’s islands, mainly bc the placement of my resident center. I can’t make a cut entrance even though I don’t have people over usually, I think I’d expect a new aesthetic and for it to “work” but be disappointed when I realize it’s the same challenge with one tiny aspect removed
I definitely feel you on the Resident Services placement. For a while I was contemplating resetting my entire island but ultimately decided against it. I'm extremely happy I didn't actually go with it as I would have lost a LOT in the process. I've heard of people being very happy after resetting.. and I've also heard of people having quite a bit of regret after doing it.

If you do plan on actually resetting, I'd definitely recommend having someone hold your materials / items / bells / NMTs / extra DIYs to at least give you an early game boost. That way you can easily get into the late game of terraforming and designing around your ideal RS placement. It is a tough decision though as, if the RS placement is the only thing that bothers you, it's possible regret may happen in the end of it. If you have plenty of time available though, then by all means go for it and design your ultimate island. :)
I definitely feel you on the Resident Services placement. For a while I was contemplating resetting my entire island but ultimately decided against it. I'm extremely happy I didn't actually go with it as I would have lost a LOT in the process. I've heard of people being very happy after resetting.. and I've also heard of people having quite a bit of regret after doing it.

If you do plan on actually resetting, I'd definitely recommend having someone hold your materials / items / bells / NMTs / extra DIYs to at least give you an early game boost. That way you can easily get into the late game of terraforming and designing around your ideal RS placement. It is a tough decision though as, if the RS placement is the only thing that bothers you, it's possible regret may happen in the end of it. If you have plenty of time available though, then by all means go for it and design your ultimate island. :)
I definitely believe I’d regret it, maybe I needed to hear someone else say they felt the same. In most of the groups I’m in on posts of people resetting everyone else agrees they did it and loved it. I legit only chose my island bc a pond was naturally shaped like a heart LOL Hopefully they add the ability to move resident services, idk if it would happen but I pray. That’s the ONLY complaint I have :,(
I definitely believe I’d regret it, maybe I needed to hear someone else say they felt the same. In most of the groups I’m in on posts of people resetting everyone else agrees they did it and loved it. I legit only chose my island bc a pond was naturally shaped like a heart LOL Hopefully they add the ability to move resident services, idk if it would happen but I pray. That’s the ONLY complaint I have :,(

It's one of those things where if you have a multiple combination of things you regret, IE your RS placement and maybe your Island name as well, I think that could be a reason. With just the RS though, at least for me, it was better to design around the less desired spot than to start over after 500 hours. I was also afraid that starting over would basically in a sense kill the game for me a bit, and make it so I didn't want to play as much. Plus then having to get all of my favorite villagers again sounded extra awful (it took me over 2k tickets alone just to find Lucky on an island..). Hopefully Nintendo at some point adds in a RS moving option, but I feel like that would be one of the less likely improvements they add.. sadly.
I'm not sure if I should reset or not..

I reset my island about a month ago - i'd had it for a couple of months and I loved it. I loved all of my villagers and I took everything really slowly and spent lots of time slowly building it up. I reset it because I wanted to change the layout of the whole island and I thought resetting would be easier than levelling the whole island, moving all buildings, ramps and bridges and building it back up again.

I regretted it almost immediately. I think that town was *the* town, i should have kept it.

My current town is my dream island - the layout is exactly what I wanted, I got the fruit I wanted and airport colour I like the most. I got three dreamies through island encounters for my first 3 villager move-ins, and a cute smug from the campsite. I've had this town for a month and although everything should be perfect, I'm just not connecting with it like I did with my old town -does that make sense? It just feels a bit flat. I've tried to keep going with it and hoped that I would warm to it, but I just don't connect with it like my old town. I honestly just miss my old town and regret ever resetting it.

I don't know whether to reset again - I don't know if I will ever feel like that about a town again :(
I am having this same issue! I spent 3 weeks resetting to get all the features I wanted and got almost all of them but for whatever reason, something doesn't feel right! I can't even really put my finger on it. I don't want to regret resetting an island that I spent ages looking for though. I am honestly at a loss for what to do...