Haven't realized true pain until you've map reset for 2 weeks you all are weak and will not survive the winter
but really good luck to everyone ; _ ;
Well, are you unhappy with your map?
I find map resetting really fun & very frustrating at the same time ._. idk lol
If you're having second thoughts then it is probably best to do so before you get too far ahead. :3
Mhm. That's what I did the first time.. Even though I was pretty ahead as far as dreamies go. If you have dream villagers in your town you could consider having them held if it it helps to sway your decision?
But it's really up to you, I just don't want to see you drag on with a map ya don't like.. I tried it and it just didn't work out. I ended up hating my town and becoming very jealous of other people's towns and then I finally decided to go through with it.
Need any items held?