The Resetting Thread

I'm considering to reset. I've created my current town back in September last year, but have not played much on it since then and although I do have a lot unlocked and I love my villagers, it just doesn't seem right. I don't like my map anymore and know I'll remain feeling bad about my town if I don't reset. On the other hand, I'd possibly regret resetting and would have to start all over again...
Could someone please give me a list of things to keep in mind when resetting and pros/cons or something like that? I tend to have more use of that than advice, since I usually make up my decision myself eventually. Thanks to anyone who helps me decide what to do. :blush:

Pros of resetting:
- You can choose a map you like
- you can fix anything you didn't like before (face,name etc)
- It's a new start
- It can relight your interest in the game and encourage you to play more

- you have to start fresh and get everything going
- It can take a while to find a map

On the whole, though, if something about your town bothers you or you're not interested in the game, you should probably reset.
I think I'm doing it. When I start doubting, it usually grows bigger and bigger and then I'm in the nervous mode of when while saying goodbye to my villagers and stuff... I was wondering what, besides transferring stuff which I'm not planning to do, I should do before deleting my town? I already updated my DA, so I can view my town even when it's gone.
I think I'm doing it. When I start doubting, it usually grows bigger and bigger and then I'm in the nervous mode of when while saying goodbye to my villagers and stuff... I was wondering what, besides transferring stuff which I'm not planning to do, I should do before deleting my town? I already updated my DA, so I can view my town even when it's gone.

Just do it! Do you find yourself playing most days? Are you enjoying it? If not then reset, new town, new everything! Either that or if the stress gets to much buy another copy.
Well, I haven't played much the last few months (my villagers told me I was away for 4 months!) but I'm unsure if I should blame that on school or disinterest. I have also achieved next to nothing compared to the amount of time the town has existed, so resetting won't really hurt. I'm bound to have a much better start now as I have holidays and much time to spend playing as well. Now I just have to see what kind of map I want, hopefully that won't take too long.
Well, I haven't played much the last few months (my villagers told me I was away for 4 months!) but I'm unsure if I should blame that on school or disinterest. I have also achieved next to nothing compared to the amount of time the town has existed, so resetting won't really hurt. I'm bound to have a much better start now as I have holidays and much time to spend playing as well. Now I just have to see what kind of map I want, hopefully that won't take too long.
Yeah, good choice. My dream thing is to have my cycling town made into a like wierd puzzle maze thing and my main town into a all wolf town, but it's gonna take a while and I don't want to reset :/.
Not sure if I should restart or not. I have all the shops on Main Street except the fortune teller and although I do play every day, I want to change the way I play. I don't want to care about how my town looks, dreamies and how my town looks but then again, I don't want to lose everything.
Hey guys! Haven't been here in a while since I went on hiatus a little over a year ago.

Wondering if I should reset. I haven't played the game since I left but I have popped in on a new character to look at my town again at random times.
It took me a pretty long time to build my current town up, and I am a little attached to it... which is why I'm unsure. But in general I'm pretty sure the reason I quit was because of my towns layout. I picked a town where the river runs through the middle but when I thought of it later, I really wanted a town with a small island and a big "mainland" area. I'd put my house on the island and have tons of room for PWPs which is what I lack in my current town.
The last straw was probably the placement of my police station. I couldn't find a better spot for it at the time but I am pretty unhappy with what I worked out.

I would of course have a friend hold on to my items for me, but I'm going to really miss the fact that I had most of my dream villagers. I'm wondering if I should play a bit on my current town or just reset right away... I don't want to become too attached to this town though if I do reset. I was considering buying another game but I really can't afford it right now so I'm gonna have to deal with one save file.
I'm also a serious perfectionist when it comes to this game so I would have to reset for a LONG time most likely to get the town I wanted. And then do a lot of plot resetting for villagers... It looks like I'd have a lot of work but at least I'd have something to do I guess.
I would reset, you havnt played in along time and a fresh start would help you get back into the game. :3. Make new dreamies :p
I would reset, you havnt played in along time and a fresh start would help you get back into the game. :3. Make new dreamies :p

Hmm yeah that is true... I also do really like it when I get a fresh start for my town. Its fun in a way building things up again. Maybe all the time I spend resetting for my dream town will just get me more excited to finally play again haha~
Hmm yeah that is true... I also do really like it when I get a fresh start for my town. Its fun in a way building things up again. Maybe all the time I spend resetting for my dream town will just get me more excited to finally play again haha~
Yeah, and you can do a giveaway/sell your old dreamies. :3. Just do it :p
I'm really on the fence with resetting my town. On one hand I have almost all shops unlocked except for T&T emporium and the fortune teller, almost all my dreamies and I actually like the map. At first anyway, but now that I look at it it's just... meh.

I just feel really bored with my town and how i play. I'd really like a fresh start where i don't care who my villagers are and how my town'll turn out, just like when i first got the game. plus I'd really like to change my town name and mayor's face.

I haven't actually played the game in months and I might be losing interest honestly, so maybe a fresh start would get me back into the game.
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I'm really on the fence with resetting my town. On one hand I have almost all shops unlocked except for T&T emporium and the fortune teller, almost all my dreamies and I actually like the map. At first anyway, but now that I look at it it's just... meh.

I just feel really bored with my town and how i play. I'd really like a fresh start where i don't care who my villagers are and how my town'll turn out, just like when i first got the game. plus I'd really like to change my town name and mayor's face.

I haven't actually played the game in months and I might be losing interest honestly, so maybe a fresh start would get me back into the game.

I second this. I've finally achieved my dreamies, but somehow I just lost interrest in my town in the process. *sigh* what to do.
I second this. I've finally achieved my dreamies, but somehow I just lost interrest in my town in the process. *sigh* what to do.
Is there a good reason? Like town name, layout or fruit. Or anything that is a good reason to reset? If not please don't reset, as there is no good reason for it and it would be exactly the same as before.
my town was rested a day ago, It's totally worth It!
Starting fresh is the best thing ever.❤
I haven't played NL in so long and decided to start a new town yesterday. It took me a hour to finally find a town with apples as the native fruit. Was worth it though - I have a good layout and circle grass.
I think Rover's getting sick of me. One of the last towns he showed me had a weird river and SIX ponds. I think he's like " jfc what do you want from me???" at this point.
I plan on resetting soon. I want everything to be legit, not wasting time, stuff like that. Will update when i reset.
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I have a dilemma. I finally found a map that I like, it has villagers that I like and fruit that isn't native to my other towns, however, I was in a rush and gave it a stupid name. Should I keep it with a name that'll probably drive me nuts or should I just cave now and continue looking?