The Resetting Thread

I have a dilemma. I finally found a map that I like, it has villagers that I like and fruit that isn't native to my other towns, however, I was in a rush and gave it a stupid name. Should I keep it with a name that'll probably drive me nuts or should I just cave now and continue looking?
Keep looking! I have a stupid name in Narnia and just keep going.
I really want to delete my town but at the same time I’ve never made so much progress in a town before. I have millions of bells, a good few badges, fully upgraded house, some rare furniture, almost everything on Main Street unlocked (apart from katrina's shop), fossil section completed, lots of bugs/fish/art donated, some hybrids and some dreamies… I even did some landscaping. But ughh… Today I loaded my game for the first time in 3 weeks and all I did was walk around town before closing it down… It’s not that there’s something specific I don’t like (well, apart from my town name but I don't hate it either) I just have no interest in the town anymore. I was seriously considering getting another copy but I decided not to waste my money with HHA coming out in a few months. Ahh what should I do?
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I really want to delete my town but at the same time I’ve never made so much progress in a town before. I have millions of bells, a good few badges, fully upgraded house, some rare furniture, almost everything on Main Street unlocked (apart from katrina's shop), fossil section completed, lots of bugs/fish/art donated, some hybrids and some dreamies… I even did some landscaping. But ughh… Today I loaded my game for the first time in 3 weeks and all I did was walk around town before closing it down… It’s not that there’s something specific I don’t like (well, apart from my town name but I don't hate it either) I just have no interest in the town anymore. I was seriously considering getting another copy but I decided not to waste my money with HHA coming out in a few months. Ahh what should I do?

There's a lot of members out here who would help hold your bells and rare/desired items for you if you were to reset your town, so you don't have to worry about losing all of that. Though I'd recommend not transferring EVERYTHING over to your new town since that can ruin the fun a bit. You can also find people to hold on to your dreamies and hybrids as well.

I was in the same dilemma as you a month or so ago. All the fossils, full house, everything on main street unlocked, all of that. I reset, and I couldn't be happier. The truth of the matter is, you can earn it all back, and with the generous people on TBT and the ability to time travel (if you want to do that) you can very, very quickly earn back a lot of what you lost. I reset on July 3rd of this year, and it's the 17th and I only have two more fossils left in my museum, the T.I.Y., a fully upgraded house, and a town that I love.

If you're feeling very bored in your town, then resetting may be the best choice for you since it gives you such a fresh start with things. There's lots of people here who will help hold your items and get your upgrades back and what not.
There's a lot of members out here who would help hold your bells and rare/desired items for you if you were to reset your town, so you don't have to worry about losing all of that. Though I'd recommend not transferring EVERYTHING over to your new town since that can ruin the fun a bit. You can also find people to hold on to your dreamies and hybrids as well.

I was in the same dilemma as you a month or so ago. All the fossils, full house, everything on main street unlocked, all of that. I reset, and I couldn't be happier. The truth of the matter is, you can earn it all back, and with the generous people on TBT and the ability to time travel (if you want to do that) you can very, very quickly earn back a lot of what you lost. I reset on July 3rd of this year, and it's the 17th and I only have two more fossils left in my museum, the T.I.Y., a fully upgraded house, and a town that I love.

If you're feeling very bored in your town, then resetting may be the best choice for you since it gives you such a fresh start with things. There's lots of people here who will help hold your items and get your upgrades back and what not.

I think I'd only keep a few million bells, some rare items, some hybrids and the golden axe/watering can. That being said though it's still a lot... It would take a lot of time to transfer and I'd hate to be a burden to anyone... Ahhh I'm still so undecided!

Yeah that is true. I mean even if I start completely from scratch I'll still earn everything back... Wow you've made really quick progress! :O How did you manage that?

I would really love a fresh start... But I'm afraid I'll lose interest anyways! >.< Ahh this would be so much easier if acnl had multiple save files! :p

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I made a quick list of pros and cons and the pros outweigh the cons.... I'm even more tempted to reset now.... Argh I wish I could just decide!
I would really love a fresh start... But I'm afraid I'll lose interest anyways!

That's pretty much what happened to me. :(

I restarted a few months ago, spent a lot of time finding a new map, transferred a few items and some bells over, did some plot-resetting and time-traveling, but then lost interest and stopped playing. Began again after a while, did a lot of trading to get a bunch of landscape items (flowers, bushes, etc...) but ended up with a voided villager as my tenth, who wouldn't leave so I had to make another villager leave first and thus lost interest again. :( Finally, after a while I managed to make this villager leave as well and have since then been down to eight villagers and am now resetting for a ninth. I know it's a Jock, but they keep placing their house in a really bad spot and by this point I've spent too much time to "give up", you know? ;)

I'm determined to make this town work, so I want the house to be in a place where it's not going to annoy me later, haha.

In general, though; if you feel like reseting, you should do it. As has been said; many wonderful people here are more than happy to help you! :)
Instead of resetting my lovely forever town, I have a secondary copy of the game for my resetting purposes.

I really recommend it for people. You can use it for villagers/trading/resetting/themed dream towns/storage/fun/time travel/etc.

Yeah I got a new copy for fun and resetting!
I think I'd only keep a few million bells, some rare items, some hybrids and the golden axe/watering can. That being said though it's still a lot... It would take a lot of time to transfer and I'd hate to be a burden to anyone... Ahhh I'm still so undecided!

Yeah that is true. I mean even if I start completely from scratch I'll still earn everything back... Wow you've made really quick progress! :O How did you manage that?

I would really love a fresh start... But I'm afraid I'll lose interest anyways! >.< Ahh this would be so much easier if acnl had multiple save files! :p

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I made a quick list of pros and cons and the pros outweigh the cons.... I'm even more tempted to reset now.... Argh I wish I could just decide!

Im gonna send you a PM, okie?
I forgot how long map resetting takes. Starting to think Rover is just trying to wind me up with some of these suggestions! Oh well hopefully I'll find the perfect map soon :)
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I forgot how long map resetting takes. Starting to think Rover is just trying to wind me up with some of these suggestions! Oh well hopefully I'll find the perfect map for Kairos soon :)

I agree. It took a week for me to find my town and I still don't like it
I have reset once and I don't intend to do it again. The main reasons why I reset was;
1. My unpractical town layout
2. My villagers who never moved out no matter how much I hit them with my shovel/ignored them
3. My character's face (I know that's stupid but meh)
4. The name of my town. (The name was 'Cutie'. Need I say more?)

So yeah, that's basically why I reset.
I forgot how long map resetting takes. Starting to think Rover is just trying to wind me up with some of these suggestions! Oh well hopefully I'll find the perfect map for Kairos soon :)

Are you looking for specific features e.g short river, east facing waterfall or are you just 'I'll know it when I see it'?
I'm looking for:

- one pond
- centre plaza
- one long beach
- peaches, apples or cherries

And even those aren't really that strict. He keeps showing me maps with the weirdest river layouts and ponds everywhere!
Yeah, I know the feeling. Good luck, I hope you'll find a map soon!

Thanks :) I found one or two that were close but not quite right :p Hopefully I'll find it soon, I'm itching to play the game already!
Thanks :) I found one or two that were close but not quite right :p Hopefully I'll find it soon, I'm itching to play the game already!

I still have your stuff safe and sound at the beach by the way! Just PM me when you find your dream map :)
okay, recently I've been considering resetting but it's such a mental debate so I've done my for/against

.My town layout is awful. It's the layout with the huge peninsular in the middle and narrow bits all around. Wouldn't be bad but the town tree takes up all the damn space so it's all so cramped and hardly any room for pwps plus bridge locating is just 0_0
. I didn't realise that the roost is permanent and now i'm more aware of landscaping etc it's so in the way
. I didn't play animal crossing almost at all in 2014 so I've essentially only been playing in this town for around a year. Plus that huge skip took it's tolls so I've wasted most of my time trying desperately to fix the damage
. Since I got the game back in august 2013 I've just begun to realise all the things I want to do with my town and I just don't feel like I can do it with this town

. I have about 45m bells in the bank and I don't wanna lose it :3 although I guess an easy solution would be to trade it in for tbt then trade back
. I recently obtained 4/10 of my dreamies and it could potentially take a while to get them back :/
. It would take a fair bit of time to get shops/museum/town tree back to where it is now
. I'm afraid I would regret it XD although I'm not sure why I would as i'd have enough money to get me well on the way again but still :/

Any thoughts? and sorry for long post ^_^
Any thoughts? and sorry for long post ^_^

You can ask someone here on the forum to hold your bells and/or villagers, so that wouldn't really be a problem. The shops and museum and such might take some time, but you can always visit other players' towns if you want to do some shopping or use Shampoodle or something. :)

As for regretting it; while that's always a possibility and risk, your list of why you should do it is far longer and more important than why you shouldn't. So personally I would reset, especially if you dislike your town map!
thanks for your advice! I am seriously considering it now. I have some close-ish friends on this forum and another site so they may be willing to hold stuff for me, if not- no biggie! I can purchase/cycle for my dreamies again I guess. if anyone else has thoughts i'd appreciate input!