The Resetting Thread

thanks for your advice! I am seriously considering it now. I have some close-ish friends on this forum and another site so they may be willing to hold stuff for me, if not- no biggie! I can purchase/cycle for my dreamies again I guess. if anyone else has thoughts i'd appreciate input!

Reading through your cons, pretty much every con you listed can be resolved :) You can, like you said, get a close friend to hold onto your bells and stuff for you! It may take a while to transfer all your money and what not over, but it's totally worth it.

You can also find someone on TBT to hold onto your dreamies for you! You'd probably have to find multiple people to hold your dreamies though since you said you have 4, but yeah, you can basically use the TT'ing method to get your dreamies to move out, have someone from TBT take the dreamie to their town, and when you get your new town, they can get your dreamie to move out and then you can come and take them back. I held onto a dreamie for my friend for a while and she recently took him to her town as well, so it's reliable.

If you hate time-traveling, then yeah, you'll probably have to wait a bit to get all your progress on Main Street back. Me? I time traveled quite a bit and I'm already at the T.I.Y. despite restarting on the 3rd of this month. Plus, knowing what it is you need to do this time around to get the upgrades helps tremendously in actually obtaining those upgrades.

I say you go for it! Most people who reset don't regret it, at least from what I've seen. Just make sure you've got all your needs transferred over and what not. :)
thanks so much for your advice! i'll see what I can do in the way of getting people to hold my dreamies. you've been so helpful and I really appreciate it :3
How's the reseting going? Did you find a new map yet? :)

It's going slow, no luck yet. But I think I'm going to name all my characters after trees. I've got awesome names lined up for my side characters, still not sure about my mayors name though
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I just resetted. o_O But it's going well so far. A friend of mine, Buggy on TBT let me come to her town and I got 99k bells from her.
Shoutout to her! Squee! I resetted because I was bored with my town. And one of my LEAST FAVORITE SPECIES OF ANIMALS
, alligators moved in and completely destroyed it for me. I had a friend hold my stuff but then deleted me and took everything that I had. Smh, so much for a friend. I'm like wtf dude.
I just resetted. o_O But it's going well so far. A friend of mine, Buggy on TBT let me come to her town and I got 99k bells from her.
Shoutout to her! Squee! I resetted because I was bored with my town. And one of my LEAST FAVORITE SPECIES OF ANIMALS
, alligators moved in and completely destroyed it for me. I had a friend hold my stuff but then deleted me and took everything that I had. Smh, so much for a friend. I'm like wtf dude.

That person was kinda an **** for taking your stuff, but good luck with your new town yeah x
Good news! I think I've found a town I really like <3 Gona play init for a bit longer to be certain but yeah :)
Awesome! Can't wait to see your map! ^_^


This is what I've decided to go with. I'm 99% sure I'm keeping this one :) It's not exactly what I had in mind but it meets all my requirements and there's plenty of room for PWPs etc :) Molly is also one of my starter villagers (and one I was planning on getting for the town at some point) and her house is in a good spot which is an added bonus. :)
View attachment 137117

This is what I've decided to go with. I'm 99% sure I'm keeping this one :) It's not exactly what I had in mind but it meets all my requirements and there's plenty of room for PWPs etc :) Molly is also one of my starter villagers (and one I was planning on getting for the town at some point) and her house is in a good spot which is an added bonus. :)

yay! so glad you found such a nice town! Everything is so nicely positioned and you have so much open space and no awkward little nooks and crannies. good luck!
View attachment 137117

This is what I've decided to go with. I'm 99% sure I'm keeping this one :) It's not exactly what I had in mind but it meets all my requirements and there's plenty of room for PWPs etc :) Molly is also one of my starter villagers (and one I was planning on getting for the town at some point) and her house is in a good spot which is an added bonus. :)

Looks great! And yay for you having Molly! ^_^
My brother has now decided he doesn't like ACNL, so he gave me his cartridge. I'm thinking I'll cycle from it for a while, then try doing a dark fairytale forest of some kind.

...time to map reseeeeet. I'm not sure what kind of a map I want, but I'll know it when I see it.
My brother has now decided he doesn't like ACNL, so he gave me his cartridge. I'm thinking I'll cycle from it for a while, then try doing a dark fairytale forest of some kind.

...time to map reseeeeet. I'm not sure what kind of a map I want, but I'll know it when I see it.

just thought i'd say that I love your username. and your avatar. and your status. and your signature, and everything
Just reset today, I'm going to let fate decide stuff not going to get angry if I miss a day or something (although i'm going to try to play everyday.) Keep everything fresh and clean.
Well, I've gotta do it.
In just a few minutes, my first town ever, Startown, will be erased from existence.
It makes me really sad. I've had that town since Christmas 2013. But I've made up my mind. I need to get rid of it.
But I have another problem... I have no clue what map to go for. My next town, Moonview, will be city themed, with a mayor called Serafina, who is brave, determined, and won't back down from any challenge. She is very experienced in karate and swordsplay.
But none of that's really gonna help me find a map haha. So, anyone know of a map that would work well with a city themed town! I'm resetting in just a few minutes so I need help now.

- - - Post Merge - - -

I did it.
Startowns gone.
After posting it to Miiverse, I feel kind of like crying. I know it sounds silly to be so attached to a game, but I was.
I'm currently stuck on the screen where Isabelle is saying "It's done. I hope we meet again someday... Somewhere!"
Don't worry Isabelle, we will meet again... someday.... somewhere. ;-;

Sorry for making this so deep haha.
Well, I've gotta do it.
In just a few minutes, my first town ever, Startown, will be erased from existence.
It makes me really sad. I've had that town since Christmas 2013. But I've made up my mind. I need to get rid of it.
But I have another problem... I have no clue what map to go for. My next town, Moonview, will be city themed, with a mayor called Serafina, who is brave, determined, and won't back down from any challenge. She is very experienced in karate and swordsplay.
But none of that's really gonna help me find a map haha. So, anyone know of a map that would work well with a city themed town! I'm resetting in just a few minutes so I need help now.

- - - Post Merge - - -

I did it.
Startowns gone.
After posting it to Miiverse, I feel kind of like crying. I know it sounds silly to be so attached to a game, but I was.
I'm currently stuck on the screen where Isabelle is saying "It's done. I hope we meet again someday... Somewhere!"
Don't worry Isabelle, we will meet again... someday.... somewhere. ;-;

Sorry for making this so deep haha.

Good luck on your journey! I remember resetting my first town :( had it for a long time. You will have fun adventures on your new one!
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Well, I've gotta do it.
In just a few minutes, my first town ever, Startown, will be erased from existence.
It makes me really sad. I've had that town since Christmas 2013. But I've made up my mind. I need to get rid of it.
But I have another problem... I have no clue what map to go for. My next town, Moonview, will be city themed, with a mayor called Serafina, who is brave, determined, and won't back down from any challenge. She is very experienced in karate and swordsplay.
But none of that's really gonna help me find a map haha. So, anyone know of a map that would work well with a city themed town! I'm resetting in just a few minutes so I need help now.

- - - Post Merge - - -

I did it.
Startowns gone.
After posting it to Miiverse, I feel kind of like crying. I know it sounds silly to be so attached to a game, but I was.
I'm currently stuck on the screen where Isabelle is saying "It's done. I hope we meet again someday... Somewhere!"
Don't worry Isabelle, we will meet again... someday.... somewhere. ;-;

Sorry for making this so deep haha.

Hope your new town does well :D

I restarted my first town some time ago cuz I realised I wasn't donating to the museum and put PWPs in horrible locations and my map layout sucked too. Obv people would make these mistakes if they're a first time Anicross player
So I found a great layout on my FIRST TRY, FIRST MAP!! It has peaches, I was hoping for cherries but peaches were my second choice. I'll post a pic later, it has the town square right in the center which I love! My starters weren't great but it's better to have bad villagers you can get rid of than a dreamie in a horrible spot!
I'm on my second day now, Colton is moving in.
So I found a great layout on my FIRST TRY, FIRST MAP!! It has peaches, I was hoping for cherries but peaches were my second choice. I'll post a pic later, it has the town square right in the center which I love! My starters weren't great but it's better to have bad villagers you can get rid of than a dreamie in a horrible spot!
I'm on my second day now, Colton is moving in.

Nice! :) I remember it took me like, 4 or 5 resets to find a layout that I wanted. I wasn't even paying attention to things like villager placement or plaza placement really - just a Retail close to my locker and a river that doesn't run vertically through my town. (oh, and a connected beach) Enjoy your new town!