The Resetting Thread

Im having a lot of trouble wondering if i should reset. Ive had my town since December of 2013, and I love all of the villagers excluding 2 of them.

i just get this feeling that my orchards are in bad places/too large, i placed permanent PWPs in awful spots (i can show what i mean through screenshots), that my non permanent PWPs are also in bad spots, and that few of my villagers are in the worst possible spots (right next to my house, clumped together), which brings me to one more thing. My house is in an awful spot. Due to villager house placement when i started, there weren't any good spots for me to put my house.

Ive really been struggling with this for a while, and any input would be appreciated.
I just reset my town and spent 8-12 hours plot resetting and getting the perfect map and I... DO NOT regret it! Now my town is the perfect setting for what I want it to be, plus my mayor had the ugliest face :( always had to wear sunglasses...

So if you have doubts and you are not enjoying your town I would say re-start to make a town you are setting up to enjoy from the very start with a plan in your head of exactly what you want :)

(Please ignore my gross looking 3Ds) This is my town map. The main thing I dislike is how Re-Tail is right below the town hall. Although one of my requirements was to have Retail and town hall close together, I now realize that I can't really make a big fancy entranceway to the town hall with Retail in the way.
The only permanent villager homes are the second one down in that line of four houses in the north, and the one right under the bridge (which will be moved)
I really like my centered town tree and the shape of the river, which is pretty sought after, it seems.
Native fruit is peaches, and there's a south waterfall.

However I dislike the beach a little. It's not terrible, but I really wanted a very long beach with a super tiny private one. I also wanted the ramp to line up with the dock like it does in my main town.
And the narrow strip of land in the north, it seems like every town I've had there's one!
It also doesn't seem that there's much room to put PWPs. It could just be that the villagers homes are taking up space and making it look that way, and maybe when I kick some of them out I'll have more room, but I don't know.
I don't think you should reset. I reset a few months ago (in July) as well and during mostly September I felt very useless as I barely had any pwps (only one bridge I placed) and it was like I didn't achieve anything in those two months. I also started being a bit annoyed by some of the little things of my layout and a small urge to reset came to me, with the feeling that I could be productive in the town from the start. But then I realised that the cycle would just start over again and I'd get those feelings again in a new town.
You made this town to make it better than your previous town, and if you reset then you failed that mission and the same will probably happen with your new town. Try to work around it and create some areas you can be proud of; that'll make you feel confident about your town. Just keep in mind that back when you started this town, you liked this map and chose it for a reason; it's just that you start disliking it a bit now. If you'd restart again, the same would happen in a few months.
I hope this helped :) If you decide to reset anyway, good luck with your new town and if not, good luck with your current one. No matter what you do, I'm sure it'll be a great town. :blush:

This is such a sweet response; and thanks too to Libra and Sap88 for reading through my problem. c:
I've given it a good thought, and most nights I spend thinking that I should reset, that I'd make it a temporary cycling town before resetting. I was so close to selling everything away and starting a new game.
That was-- until I started cleaning my town a bit. I removed unnecessary bushes and paths and one character house (so I could do some campsite/plot resetting tricks with a new save file). I walked around and I actually realized I had a lot of space for other things! It was probably just old, failed landscape ideas that made my town seem ugly, but when I cleared that up, I had a better vision of what I could do with my town. It's not the prettiest town map, I'll confess, but it's enough for me to manage. <3

So this is a shout out to those who're still unsure on resetting: Try to see if you could work your way around obstacles that prevent you from being fully satisfied; nothing is perfect, but if you think you can still make do with the cards you've been dealt with, then carry on! Think of the pros and cons before starting a new town; resetting is a very hard decision, especially when you're attached to your town.
With that being said, I'm not preventing any of you from resetting; if you're really bent on it, then go for it! It's not a bad thing as long as you're happy with your decision. Follow your heart. c: <3

Good luck with all your future decisions and towns! :D
I don't think you should reset. I reset a few months ago (in July) as well and during mostly September I felt very useless as I barely had any pwps (only one bridge I placed) and it was like I didn't achieve anything in those two months. I also started being a bit annoyed by some of the little things of my layout and a small urge to reset came to me, with the feeling that I could be productive in the town from the start. But then I realised that the cycle would just start over again and I'd get those feelings again in a new town.
You made this town to make it better than your previous town, and if you reset then you failed that mission and the same will probably happen with your new town. Try to work around it and create some areas you can be proud of; that'll make you feel confident about your town. Just keep in mind that back when you started this town, you liked this map and chose it for a reason; it's just that you start disliking it a bit now. If you'd restart again, the same would happen in a few months.
I hope this helped :) If you decide to reset anyway, good luck with your new town and if not, good luck with your current one. No matter what you do, I'm sure it'll be a great town. :blush:

I know this was directed at someone else, but this response actually helped me a lot, because I'm in a similar situation.
I burnt out on my town of Leafloch last night, even though I had just unlocked TT Mart, so I just restarted this morning, the new town I arrived in is called...BRAGBURY! I kinda took inspiration from the area I live in, anyway I digress my starter villagers are: Cesar, Al, Nibbles, Frobert, and Sally, so I have two apes, two squirrels and one frog :/ never had two pairs matching like that before very odd, but hey ho guess it happens now and again, I have already paid off my down payment through using seashells and cherries and the money rock and the gem rock, very easy method :p

I can't quite put my finger on it but something about this latest edition of my town excites me more than normal.
Hey people!

After thinking for a while, I've decided to reset. I haven't done it yet, for a few reasons.

I need someone to hold all of my money, all of my carnations (a lot of them), my Jacobs ladders, and all of my gold/silver tools. it's a long process, but these are items I'm really attatched to. so please, hold these items for me, and I will love you a lot.
Hey people!

After thinking for a while, I've decided to reset. I haven't done it yet, for a few reasons.

I need someone to hold all of my money, all of my carnations (a lot of them), my Jacobs ladders, and all of my gold/silver tools. it's a long process, but these are items I'm really attatched to. so please, hold these items for me, and I will love you a lot.

If you are looking for someone trustworthy to hold your things I would be willing to help you out! My town is new, so it's very empty and has no patterns and a lot of space on the ground for you to store your things. Flowers will never wither because of my ordinance too. Pm me if you are interested! Restarting can be like playing the game for the first time all over again and it's really fun :)
I'm thinking of resetting. I've only had my town for two months, but I feel kind of burnt out. I like it, but I feel like I sort of 'ruined' it by time travelling, and getting all of the villagers I want at about the same time. I like my villagers, I like my map (although it could be better, I do still like it), and I have a lot of stuff.

I'm really leaning towards resetting, but I'm not 100% sure. I don't think I'll regret it, but... there's a chance I will. I think I should reset, but I'm not sure if I should take a few things or if I should start fresh. Any input would be appreciated c:
I'm thinking of resetting. I've only had my town for two months, but I feel kind of burnt out. I like it, but I feel like I sort of 'ruined' it by time travelling, and getting all of the villagers I want at about the same time. I like my villagers, I like my map (although it could be better, I do still like it), and I have a lot of stuff.

I'm really leaning towards resetting, but I'm not 100% sure. I don't think I'll regret it, but... there's a chance I will. I think I should reset, but I'm not sure if I should take a few things or if I should start fresh. Any input would be appreciated c:

I know what you mean about the villagers.. sometimes people get so obsessed with getting their favorites they miss out on the actual game, ruin their town in the process, and by the time they have them all.. its like.. okay... nothings changed.

you're incredibly fresh into animal crossing if its only 2 months in. i say reset, get a map you enjoy, and don't rush your villagers... they will move out gradually, and then get 2-3 dreams that'll spark up your town and the appearance (no one wants to always look at ugly villagers). Plus, the best moments are when you start to get attached to villagers you used to never give a chance with.

And yeah.. time traveling can really make the game feel pointless, cause you're just freely jumping all over the place. be patient and have control! lol.
so i have this problem...
i just restarted my town like a week ago but now i have a new theme for it in mind but the map is so perfect and i already spent a few hours plot reseting :/ argh i wish i could change the town and mayor name :c i really dont know what to do now tbh.
should i restart or not?
I'm resetting my town later today once I find someone to hold my villagers and stuff. I'm really hoping it will get me back into the game. I'm definitely going to try to get most of my stuff by myself and limit my trading..if anyone can hold a few of my villagers though that would be great.
I know what you mean about the villagers.. sometimes people get so obsessed with getting their favourites they miss out on the actual game, ruin their town in the process, and by the time they have them all.. its like.. okay... nothings changed.

you're incredibly fresh into animal crossing if its only 2 months in. i say reset, get a map you enjoy, and don't rush your villagers... they will move out gradually, and then get 2-3 dreams that'll spark up your town and the appearance (no one wants to always look at ugly villagers). Plus, the best moments are when you start to get attached to villagers you used to never give a chance with.

And yeah.. time travelling can really make the game feel pointless, cause you're just freely jumping all over the place. be patient and have control! lol.

Yeah, I think I'm going to reset tomorrow. Also, I've been playing New Leaf since 2013, but I just got back into it in September. I got a new cartridge then reset it in October, so that town will be exactly two months old tomorrow IIRC. I'm just really burnt out, so I think this will be a great decision. hanks for the input! c:
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It's been a very long time since i've last played, going to be resetting and going with a completely new theme!
hope to get myself back into the game :)

Edit-I think I'll be doing the January 1st Start? Maybe? It's a long ways away though :p
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This thread is for resetting your game, not trying to let a villager move in at a certain place in your town.
I'm going to reset my town now!! Had it for two years. I'm gonna miss it but I've been looking forward to a fresh start!!

- - - Post Merge - - -

Isabelle is great at making me feel like a monster... >.>
I posted this outside of this thread, but:

I recently bought a second copy of ACNL, but I'm really just not feeling it. I've already lost interest in it.
I have 6 Dreamies including Jaques, Stitches, and Fauna. I suppose I could have someone hold them.
I have unlocked half of Main Street (Who really cares though)
My town layout is absolutely beautiful; It has a central plaza, and everything aligns with the train station. The tree, the river bend, Stitches' house.
I have Peaches as my Native which happen to be my favorite (That's a lie. Anything that isn't oranges is my favorite)

I accidentally named my mayor Color instead of Pastel
I can plot reset to get better villagers (plus I can get Jaques back easily)
I can get better rock placement. They decided to be right in the middle of every open space -_-
I can easily store stuff in my secondary, namely my custom Cabana set
I can landscape better

My problem is that I think I can work off of what I have right now and avoid wasting time to restart and transfer EVERYTHING back into it.

Thought, anyone?
I posted this outside of this thread, but:

I recently bought a second copy of ACNL, but I'm really just not feeling it. I've already lost interest in it.
I have 6 Dreamies including Jaques, Stitches, and Fauna. I suppose I could have someone hold them.
I have unlocked half of Main Street (Who really cares though)
My town layout is absolutely beautiful; It has a central plaza, and everything aligns with the train station. The tree, the river bend, Stitches' house.
I have Peaches as my Native which happen to be my favorite (That's a lie. Anything that isn't oranges is my favorite)

I accidentally named my mayor Color instead of Pastel
I can plot reset to get better villagers (plus I can get Jaques back easily)
I can get better rock placement. They decided to be right in the middle of every open space -_-
I can easily store stuff in my secondary, namely my custom Cabana set
I can landscape better

My problem is that I think I can work off of what I have right now and avoid wasting time to restart and transfer EVERYTHING back into it.

Thought, anyone?
I personally don't think it's worth it. Try work around the rocks! I know the challenge, but sometimes, the rocks themselves can be decorations. Or, maybe even deep it a 'natural' town ^^ Good luck!